Welcome to Cobra Kai.

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*You had just arrived at the dojo and there is a group huddled around the entrance."

It was 3:55 and there was so many new students that have arrived. I walked over to Miguel and gave him a fist bump. Johnny unlocked the doors and we went in. "Take your shoes off and fall in." I shouted. Everyone except Miguel and Aisha looked around confused. "It means to get into a line guys.." I rolled my eyes as all of them got behind Miguel and Aisha. "No guys. Like beside of each other." "So basically rows?" Demetri said sarcastically. I nodded my head with a fake smile.

Johnny walked around and made fun of some of kids. He got to Eli and frowned. "Woah what is wrong with his lip? It looks hideous." Eli looked at Johnny, hiding his lip. "I use to have a cleft lip and I got surgery for it, it's just the scar." I looked at Johnny, my eyes said "stop" but he kept on. "If the doctor gave you that then you really should sue man. It is horrible." Demetri cut in. "Excuse me Mr. Lawerence?" Sensai Lawerence!" Aisha shouted. "Okay. Sensai Lawernce. It's not ok to make fun of other peoples appearances." I rolled my eyes. "Well look at him. How can you not make fun of him." Johnny said. "You do know we're paying you right? It's not like you can actually hurt us." "Dude cut it out." I said all wide eyed. Johnny glared at Demetri and stepped towards him, whilist Eli ran out crying. I just stood there, feeling bad for him. "Punch me." Johnny said. Demetri reared back his arm and threw his fist forward, sensai caught his hand, "harder." He tried it harder and Johnny grabbed his hand and twisted his arm, making Demetri do a back flip and landed on his back, clutching his stomach. "Oh shit." I said. "Let that be a lesson to all of you."

*You are now in the dojo alone with Miguel while Johnny is looking through a karate magazine.*

After everyone left me and Miguel hung back to work on some head butting skills. Johnny then came out with a magazine. "The All Valley Tournament, I remember that. We should enter." I smiled at Miguel and we bumped fist, this was going to be awesome!

*The next day at the dojo*

The students came in. Me and Miguel was gonna lead warm ups. I wondered where Eli was. He wasn't at school. I frowned as the last person came in. Demetri already quit and Eli probably did to. He didn't like the feeling of getting humiliated.

Just as we were about to start I heard the door open. I saw him, Eli. But he was different. He had a blue and black Mohawk. Fuck he was hot. I smiled as I saw him, he waved and went over to me. "What's up, princess." I blushed as he said this. Johnny came out and looked Eli up and down. "Lip? That can't be you. Nice cut bro!" "Sensai, he needs a new nickname." I smiled and walked over to him and looked into his eyes. "Hawk will be your new nick name."He smiled and took my hand, squeezing it hard. After a few seconds he let go. I looked back to see Miguel frowning.

"Ok losers, lets get you all ready." He stepped near a kid we called virgin. He flinched. "Virgin? Did you just flinch?" He stepped around and a bunch of the kids flinched. "Holy shit we have a room of flinchers. Raise your hand if you have never been punched." Everyone except me, Miguel, and Aisha raised their hand. "Oh my god. Everyone will leave this class today with getting punched in the face so y/n and Aisha unflinch this group." One by one me and Aisha punched the kids in the face. Then it was Hawks turn to get punched. I smiled, "I'm sorry in advance." I reared back and punched him, making him fall. "I'm okay, I'm okay!" I laughed and took his hand into mine and helped him up, then we locked eyes.

*Your done with class and Hawk walks over to you, confidently.*

"Hey, y/n would you like to hang out later? I know a good restraunt we could go to." "I would love to." Holy shit did he just ask me on a date, and did I just say yes? Hell yea I did!! I smiled at him and we headed out the door.

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