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A few weeks passed by. I was in the hospital for about 4 weeks. It honestly wasn't that bad. My aunt came to see me, I didn't remember her but, she stayed and talked to me.

Right now, I'm getting ready to be released back home. But honestly, I don't even know what I'm gonna do when I get back home. I really just wanna sleep.

The doctor pushed me in a wheelchair to the door.

"Now, you be careful out there and try  not to hurt yourself or get hit again"

"I will"

"Okay. Have a good day. Bye now"

I waved my hand at her and walked out with auntie. I got in the car and sighed. I need to fucking sleep.

"So how do you feel, star?"

"I feel fine auntie"

"You sure?

"Yes, I'm sure. I just need sleep"

"All right then. Let's get you home"

I nodded my head slightly and laid it back on the head rest.

Just get me fucking home already.

At home

The ride home seemed so long like goddamn. Do we live in fucking Canada or some shit?

"Thanks auntie. I'm going to lay down"

"You don't want nothing to eat?"

"Nah. I'm not really hungry but thanks"

"Ok hunni. Get some sleep"

"I will"

I walked upstairs tiredly and slowly. I have never been more tired than I am right now. I finally reached my room.

I threw all the stuff off my bed onto the floor and flopped down on my bed. Oh. My. God. I swear there is nothing like laying down in your own bed after a long day, and being tired.

Just then, my mind wandered off to afro boy and the rest of them. They said that knew me but, I can't remember them.

My eyelids started to get heavy. I moved under my covers quickly before I slipped away into the void of nothingness.

I hope everything goes back the way it was.

Meanwhile over the Freeman's house

"I'm going to see her"

"Huey no. Give her some time"

"Jazmine, you don't understand. I have to see her"

"Yes I do understand. I do understand that your madly in love with her. That you'll do anything for her Huey. I understand that. But the best thing for now, would be to give her some time and space. Maybe she'll remember us. Who knows?"

"Yeah nigga. Relax. Calm your dick down"

Huey shot Riley a dirty look.

"Riley, shut the fuck up"

"Jazmine. Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm positive"

"Alright. I'll wait"

Huey got up and walked upstairs in his room and closed the door. Jazmine sighed and crossed her arms.

"Oh Huey"

"He's prolly up there crying like a bitch"

Jazmine scrunched her face up and hit Riley upside the head.

"Why the fuck does everyone keep doing that to me?!"

"Cause you deserve it, smart-ass"

He grumbled. Jazmine sighed again.

Please Star. Please try to remember for our sake.

For Huey's sake.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧~ Where stories live. Discover now