Worn Out

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Drained.it went to the point where his eyes became dull and calluses covered his pale hands.chuuya’s life was devoted to work after he had no free time since dazai left the port mafia.stack and stacks of paperwork and missions filled his room,there was no freedom to the living hell.
His muscles ached and became a little dizzy since he didn’t have time to eat food.

“Chuuya are you done yet?”Ichiyō yelled from far away.

He tried to shout back but he didn’t have the strength to talk back.After a minute or so of no response chiyō went down stairs to face chuuya.Her eyes bulging out with worry and sympathy after staring down at the fagle man.She called for help and rushed to chuuya’s side.he almost looked lifeless,skin and bones but enough to see the bumps on his hands from the pressure when writing.

Sometime after,he was brought to the hospital to rest.
Chuuya groaned loudly as he pushed his arms on the mattress to sit up properly.he wanted to be comfortable and showered in smiles but instead a cold room just him alone again…

Again..he was suffering alone stuck in this grue polluted world.he looked around the room noticing the thin long tubes placed on his body.A loud knock came past the wooden door,it nearly scared the man for the loud silence.

“Come in”,chuuya managed to speak out loud.

Akutagawa clicked open the door and walked past holding a bag of food in his other hand.

“Chuuya , koyo and I got you food to eat,the nurse said that you haven’t been eating enough for a while and koyou couldn’t come since she has work”, he explained, setting the bag down next to him.

“The team is allowing you to take a rest until you can be fully healthy again but you've got a mission in 6 months”,Akutagawa said calmly.

“Thanks for the food and the hospital shit ,you better put rice and wine in the bag”,chuuya sarcastically said but did have a little urge to drink red wine.

“Yeah no❤️,but i got you chocolate and koyo got you fruit,ice cream and other things.oh yeah and mackerel” he knew what he was saying and the last one made Akutagawa smirk.

Chuuya gave him a death stare, he wasn’t energised  enough,his head felt heavy and too weak to fight back.Akutagawa soon left after leaving the freezing ice cream in a mini freezer next to chuuya.

Chuuya reached for the bag and clutched an apple and a knife,slowly peeling off the skin and slicing it in fractions.he ate the sliced apples slowly trying not to over extend the body.he knew that since his body hasn’t consumed food in a while so chuuya’s body had to slowly adjust to it once more.

Chuuya looked to his side and grabbed his phone,scrolling through trying to find something interesting.Once again he engulfed with emptiness scrolling around seeing people outside smiling and looking so relaxed while he had to sit in a hospital bed listening to the clock ticking.

Later on the doctor tested chuuya with blood tests and checked his blood seeing if i was lacking anything.He told him the details and let him know that he would get better over time if he tried calming down and take things slow.

Chuuya understood and let the doctor leave.he laid down gazing at the ceiling with a foggy mind.he couldn't think straight but rather drowned in a thick river,no way the see clear.the moon light beaming through the window shining over the two wide pieces of glass.chuuya always love the moon.the mysterious ball of rock glistening in front he burning sun.he melted away to sleep before glazing at the moon.

“Goodnight Osamu wherever you are stupid mackeral”

Red lights (soukoku) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon