for the tainted sorrows

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Loud bangs echoed with each gun fire and the earth beneath them shaked in fear. Men and women falling down pierced through their body splatting blood ,akutagawa used his ability to crush people below him.atsushi blood boiled and started to glow blue activating his ability.his clothes ripped off (hehehehe) and turned into a large tiger going full stead on akutagawa.

A roar escaped out of the atsushi mouth and ran towards akutagawa.



"RASHOMON!"Akutagawa cried out loud,black glowing ribbons appeared behind his back and aimed at the tiger.


Chuuya was best at combat so he punched and kicked anyone in his way,crimson liquid spilling out of different places.

He was told to go to the end of the field before activating corruption so he would have a better view on the field's layout.

Chuuya ran and ran, seeing his comrades beneath him beaten down with bruises and wounds,trying to survive just to hear Mori's final commands . He looked at koyo for the last time,a golden demon leashed out fighting whoever came close to her.she noticed chuuya and smiled just after mouthing the words,"my son,i love you"

He felt horrible knowing he was going to leave her all alone after what she has done for him nevertheless went forward to the location.

A glimpse.

Chuuya eyes locked with dazai for a second but he could feel the burning sensation spreading across his body.anxiety and guilt washed over him.chills went down his spine and goosebumps fell upon chuuya's body.he held his breath and ran away faster all the way to the end.

"CHUUYA WAIT-" dazai reached out his hand and followed chuuya.

Dazai was now sprinting towards Chuuya begging to slow down,tears spilling out his eyes.dazai wanted to know what happened to him in the diary and even more wanted him to stay alive.he never thought chuuya would be so broken and destroyed but going through his diary opened up his mind,the countless times chuuya wrote dazai's name in the book almost sounded like a cry for help and attention.dazai felt a burning heart ache just thinking about how chuuya was waiting for him but never shown up.

.chuuya finally got to the end of the fields and turned around to dazai's face.

"I'm so happy i get to see you one more time before i go completely mad"


"So you got the book...dazai before i die i want you to know that I LOVE YOU OSAMU DAZAI! YOU BANDAGE FREAK,BEAN POLE,MACKEREL, WASTE OF BANDAGES!"

"Chuuya nakahara i love you too so stay with me chibi slug"

"I'm sorry"

Mori signed to Chuuya to start corruption.

Chuuya took off his gloves,finger by finger,the silk fabric slipping off his hands then took a breath in.

"Grantors of dark disgrace you need not wake me again"(anime)


"you allow sorrow to corrupt, do not wake me up again"(book)


Red glowing marks with black outline that looked like burning lava moved across his body,twirling around hand arms and legs before staying in place.his face glowed bright red as well as his entire body,chuuya hunched his back before stepping on the ground,breaking the earth's crust.his eyes widened but only a sheet of white,chuuya's pupils shrunk so small that the eyes looked completely blank.the air spun around him in a fast commotion.he pushed himself off the ground.chuuya let go of all feels and relaxed while his corrupted form overtook him.

His corruptate form allows him to manipulate here by gravitons creating a black hole which swallows everything in his path (this is the quote dazai described chuuya in season 2 episode 9)

He let out a high pitch scream,throwing small black holes everywhere which allowed him to strengthen the objects with which he is in physical contact to him .People ran to hiding spots and some left the field altogether too scared to face on chuuya.dazai hide in a forest watching the scene unfold.mass amount of people started to shoot thousands of bullets at him pleading for at least one would wound his but instead a sphere of red orb with purple writing protected him while the bullets angered chuuya.

Chuuya went on a rampage as dazai was trying to get closer to chuuya but each time he would get injured from the detective agency accidentally shooting him.

After some time,chuuya was laughing with a smug look on his face but bleeding from nose,mouth and even eyes.he broke down and fell to the ground his eyes still widened but a light red cover since his blood was leaking out.dazai sprinted to the broken mess and activated his ability.chuuya was so tired that his body was enduring the feeling of a burning sensation,scorching hot fire until he was touched by a cold hand upon his face.bright blue light burst around him.he felt as if he was dunked into a cooling tub of water.

His eyes were back to normal,he could feel the chill breeze and dazai's touch.

Chuuya was coughing a large amount of blood and dazai sat there with chuuya in his arms hugging in a sweet tenderly way but his eyes bulging .For once dazai was confused as to what he should do next,salty tears running down his face stroking the living corpses hair.his heart was racing while chuuya's began slowly dying down.dazai wouldn't live with himself if chuuya died in front of him feeling useless,he screamed as loud as possible for help waiting for Yosano to save his ex-partner.

"You're going to be already chuuya"

"We all know i'm going to die mackerel"

"Shut up!stop saying that!you are going to be okay and you will call me a waste of bandages everyday!"

"Osamu dazai i'll wait for you"

"i love you so don't leave me all alone!"dazai pulled chuuya closer to dazai's chest.

"I love you too but i'm too late,i'll die in a few minutes"

"Look i'm so sorry for leaving you all alone but i'm not strong enough to stay alive without you"dazai said realising how heartbroken chuuya must have felt when he left the port mafia,he couldn't handle chuuya leaving him now.

Chuuya was in pain all throughout his body; it made it difficult for him to talk let alone breathe.he was numb and all his senses leisurely stopped working before dead in his soulmates arms.

"CHUUYA! CHUUYA! CHUUYA!"dazai violently shaken him but then he finally expect defeat,he hugged chuuya holding his head with one hand and the other around his waist (bruh just look at the cover of this book,i'm bad at describing)

Dazai kissed his forehead and waited for the armed detective agency to find him.


The story isn't done don't worry

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