alternative ending part 1

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T.w blood

"Chuuya nakahara i love you too so stay with me chibi slug"

That stung chuuya knowing that he somehow wanted chuuya.someone so disgusting and unholy as him.


Chuuya's hands were in a fist as tears streamed down his face.just looking at dazai made him feel different ,in chuuya's eyes dazai was a manipulative bastard but he does it so beautifully like lying was his talent.he loves him so much even if his sins make him like this but for chuuya,he believe his own sins are overfilling his bottle.

Dazai didn't want Chuuya to use corruption knowing very well that he wasn't in the right mind set and still traumatised by that physical terms chuuya injures were holding together but not so fully healed which meant corruption would be the death of chuuya nakahara.

"I'm sorry"

Chuuya started to take off his gloves but before he could finish removing the second because dazai sprinted to him and tackled chuuya to the ground.dazai moved both hands above his head and was on top of him,gritting his teeth.nakahara was shocked and stunned at what dazai did.

"G-get off me asshole"


Dazai tightens the grip on Chuuya's wrists until he realizes the situation.hi on top of a guy he loves and pinning him down.chuuya was a sweaty mess underneath dazai,and said "stupid makerel..."

"Seriously you were about to commit suicide with corruption and you still have the time to make fun of me",dazai let go of chuuya's arms and laughed.dazai hated chuuya so much that his feelings for him somehow turn into a pile of confusion.he loves him but can't help but crack up sometimes when chuuya insulted him,the joy and hope that knowing chuuya will stay as himself.

"I have to use corruption,Either I use corruption and die or mori kills me because I look like I betrayed the port mafia!"

"When there's two options for US.die together or run away for the armed detective agency and port mafia",dazai said with a smirk.both options were crazy then again soukoku is the most perfectly crazy duo.

"Well i still want to live just a little more and i'm not letting you die for my sake shit head"

"I don't know if i should be happy or offended"

They Both knew if they ran away ,the port mafia would search for them so they made a plan...

Chuuya stuffed his mouth with his sleeve and the grabbed a knife,at the count of three he stabbed himself in his lower quadrants,then blood gushed out.he knew that this spot on his body would heal quickly and not kill him but enough blood to spill to look like a death scene.dazai grabbed his spear bandages out his pocket from his trench coat and ripped out the plastic then started to wrapped his lower chest up.

"UGHH I FUCKING HURTS!"chuuya shouted but turned into a muffal since the sleeve of his coat was shoved into his mouth.when chuuya stopped bleeding and the battle still when on,mori was confused on why chuuya hasn't used his eyes,he believe chuuya fainted before he could use his ability but mori didn't know that chuuya was stronger and purposely stabbed himself.he was wobbly and unstedding so chuuya remanded sitting down while his gave a side eye to dazai.

Dazai pouted and went through the plan again.dazai tore a piece of chuuya's diary and wrote with one of the pens dazai stole off kunikida, he used his leg and said out loud while writing...

"Dear everyone,if you are reading this ,i osamu dazai and my ex partner in crime chuuya nakahara have decided to do an action at the last minute. As you all know i have dreamed to have a double suicide with a wonderful women but as you all know dreams can come true but never perfectly attended.instead chuuya is my partner now and i have finally found someone that would be willing to commit double suicide.if you are reading this hopefully our blood will be mixed and our bodies shall fall in the ocean never to be buried by human but instead natural itself.Akutagawa i have recognised your great have gone beyond my wildest expectations but now to top my master plan it that for you to joining atsushi in the armed dectective agency.bye bye i am going to commit double suicide with hat track nowww"

"How is that.too cheesy?"

"Stupid makerel that was the most cringest thing i have even hear,like you really had to put hat track on!the only good thing is the akutagawa part,just give it to me i want to say bye too"

"Aww my chibi has feelings okay there you go"

Chuuya snatched the paper and pen making a gesture for dazai to come over.dazai sat on the ground back toward chuuya so he could write on a firm surface .

"Okay i'll say it out loud while writing"

"That's my slug"dazai smiled, chuckling a little.

(storm bringer spoiler)

"Ughhh this is chuuya nakahara.koyo i'm sorry for leaving you and i love are like a mother to me and i'm grateful but dying with dazai sounds fitting enough for me.i'm telling you all that somehow even in a mafia and that i am a military experiment,i still grateful for everything you have done for me.i will admit i am a clone.i was made as an experiment and they used original me genetics and molded me to sustain my ability arahabaki.i have no past and not able to have dreams but i have the choice on the living or death and i have chosen death with a suicidal doesn't sound elegant but i feel human with him. Even if i was never one"


"Shut up dazai lets get on with is it's your turn to stab yourself"

"But i hate painnnnn"

"Just do it dazai"

Dazai gave chuuya the other bandages so he could quickly wrap him after the stab.with a swift blow dazai shoved the knife into himself.same spot as chuuya,blood spilled out next to chuuya's original puddle of blood.

he counted 3 to 1 when quickly pulled out the knife signalling chuuya to wrap him up.they left the note on the ground spearing a stick into the ground so the note wouldn't move.

After he tightly got the badges around dazai waist,he stood up smiling.

"Damn i guess we really are running away"

Dazai held Chuuya's hand and ran away for yokohama...

"I love you slug"

"I love you too mackerel"

They left yokohama that night and the battle went on until the armed detective agency won and mori died in that battle of 'two winning death battle'

fact:Dazai mentions the result when Chuuya uses Corruption. His power is stronger, however, it drains his life until he dies of exhaustion. This is why Dazai has to be there every time Chuuya uses Corruption – to stop him from destroying everything and killing himself in the end. Chuuya's ability can make him die slowly in a lonely way. This refers to the poem's description on being alone and dying slowly alone.

remember this is part 1.the alternative ending isn't done. <3

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