a swimming pool of tears

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tw. rape 

His eyes were fixed on the suitcase.chuuya started to pack his belongings and hopelessly stood in front of the window staring across the city.specks on colours moved around the place,colourful cars chasing along the street and people walking by.he got distracted once or twice by nevertheless he still manage to pack up his suitcase.

Tomorrow was his discharge day.he didn't pack everything yet like the toothpaste and clothes just enough for one more night.he found 16 small cards that koyo sent to him over the past time.chuuya sat down and opened every single card again.

Chuuya i hope you're getting better

We all miss you

Remember that you are my son

Ahahaha then you come back you can call me mum

Work is so boring without you

You're my baby boy

If you don't come back soon i'm going to eat all the food

Mum's got your favourite food waiting for you

Nevermind i ate it

I hope the hospital is fattening you up


I'm sending my love

Aww i can imagine you as a chubby chu chu baby

Even though i'm your mother figure don't kill meeeee

Love you lots baby

I'll see you soon chuuya

Chuuya couldn't help but laugh at the small cards, especially number 14.he wanted to hug koyo so mad but only one more day.just one.

While chuuya cleaned up,he found the diary he kept.his daily writing always kept him busy so he opened the pages and popped off the pen lid.

August 28

Just one more day.i can't wait to breathe the fresh air and eat proper food.even though i'm leaving that means mori wants me to do a mission.i can't think of anything so important that i would have to do right after getting discharged but i'm so fucking exicted.There's two things i'm worried about.

Will i ever see dazai again and if i do,will he forget me?

it's been months since i last saw him.did he even notice that i was gone when the port mafia and the armed detective agency fought.probably not.THAT FUCKING MACKEREL WILL DIE IN MY HANDS THAT FUCKING WAST OF BANDAGES !!!!!

I'm honestly scared to see koyo now,remembering that she will squeeze me to death before i can even do my mission.i don't mind hugs but i swear koyo breaks bones with affection.that lady is basically my 'mum'.it's so weird so think that.Muuuuuummmmmmm.mum mum mum mum .so weird.just writing that down gives me chills and who the hell would be my dad!

I can't believe i'm leaving that nurse... she will never see me again.i can finally leave and get as far as possible.


That's her name Suzuki riko.

I will forever hate her.


The sun was going down and Chuuya went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He never really liked looking at his face.he didn't care.somehow his skin was smooth glass and soft as butter,the grey eyes that could see your soul but kill you with a single stare.A mesmerising look for chuuya.(btw his eyes are grey i looked it up,it's not blue)

After brushing his teeth laid down and pulled the covers over his body.he snuggled with the warm covers and his head felt heavy.chuuya's eyes slowly closed and relaxed his muscles.


A creak from the door opened showing the nurse.her eyes a shade of purple and his lips pinched against her teeth.she couldn't help but walk over to chuuya.she stroked his soft curls and gripped on the bed.

The nurse forcefully grabbed chuuya's face and passionately kissed him on the lip,her slick tongue opened his mouth and kissed him more sloppy by the second

She jumped on the single bed and straddled him,slowly taking off his underwear.as soon as she took them off, Chuuya woke up grunting loudly since he hates being woken up.he felt the nurse on his lap and tried to scream but the nurse covered his mouth.she took the duct tape from her pocket and ripped a piece with her teeth and placed in over chuuya's mouth,arms and legs.

"I want you now",Riko whispered into Chuuya's ear while he cried silently.

She stared at Chuuya, leisurely undressing herself and biting her lip.

The nurse never did this to chuuya but since it was his last day she couldn't help but go out of control.she inserted chuuya into her and moaned loudly curling her toes.she pressed her hands on his chest to support herself.she began to move up and down steadily moaning louder each time.

"A-ah chuuya you feel so u-ughh!"the nurse screamed out loud.

She went faster, feeling him inside her,brushing against her prostate.her shaky moans became louder and louder while Chuuya tried to shout and scream but only muffled noises and tears fell like a waterfall.his body was shaking and he felt like dying.

After 10 minutes,chuuya touched her prostate and made her shoot white liquid out her body,chuuya simply cried and didn't cum at all.this made the nurse annoyed.

"I want you to cum and I will make you feel as good as you made you feel",she smirks as she grabs his dick.her legs were still shaking but she didn't care.she rapidly moved her hand up and down sometimes squeezing it which only made chuuya cry more and toes stretched out.

She knew she couldn't make him cum so she sighed and untied chuuya from the bed,cleaning him up with a wet cloth.

"I hope i see you one day",the nurse said as she picked up her clothes and left the room .

Chuuya could believe what happened & screamed from the top of his voice, curling himself into a ball,the agonising pain that spread across his body.the tears felt like it was burning through his skin.

That night chuuya made a swimming pool of tears.

hi hi

sorry the spelling and grammar is bad,it's late and my brain isn't working right now.

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