I Just Want You Here

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Tw. Sexually assault, I think panic attack

"Come in "

A women with fire red hair and beautiful jewellery walked in the room. She had a calmed face but then she turned to see chuuya, she went puppy dog eye with sparkles.

"CHUUUUUYAAA MY PRECIOUS BABY BOY! " koyo shouted, hugging his head and swaying..

"uhhh koyo you're crushing meeee", chuuya whined tapping her arm.

She laughed and apologised, chuuya didn't expect koyo to bring a whole suitcase with her. She said she wanted to bring chuuya as much things as she could. Koyo even snuck 3 bottles of chuuya favourite red wine. His eyes glowing like flash lights,he couldn't help but smile and thank her deeply.

They talked until night fall then she left with another bear hug. (I want a hug😭)

Days went on and it felt like a loop, the only thing that made it different was the food from the nurse.

He notice that the nurse was getting closer and closer each time which made chuuya uncomfortable but he never said it out loud since she was giving him the food. He simply tried to deal with it. But as time when past nurse would slowly start touching his leg and arm.

He hated it.

It was a forgy night when chuuya woke up to the door creaking. It was the nurse.

"what are you doing it late and I want my sleep", chuuya growled at her. It almost felt like he was starting to get sick of her.

The nurse sighed and walked closer to his bed.
"I know you love me nakahara~", she spoke rolling her tongue at his name.

Chuuya couldn't believe it. He told her to leave but the young woman ignored it and started to run her hands down his shirt now straddling him. She licked her lip but then chuuya forcefully pushed her of him.

" STOP IT I'M NOT INTERESTED! "Chuuya shouted at her. She didn't seem bothered, she brushed out the dirt on her clothes and walked away but before leave she said"i'll make you fall for me then we can love eachother "she touched her neck letting her head fall down a bit. The nurse closed the door and left.

Chuuya felt as if all the air was exhaled from his body and imagined all the worse outcomes; poisoning the medication, drugging his food, forcing him to do things.

That night chuuya didn't sleep, how could he, but instead turned the lamp light on and wrote in his note book.

I really thought that I had a great day. Koyo came by and we talked for a solid 5 hours, she even snuck it my favourite wine. She really is like a mother to me. It's 4:32am and I just woke up to the nurse. She touch me. Sat on me and put her hands on me. I hate IT.I HATE IT! I HATE IT! I want to leave and go somewhere else,i want someone to hug me even if I can't do anything but die on the inside. I want him. Dazai osamu.

Tears flow down his face, the echoes of screaming around the room. Chuuya always acted like a brave, fierce man and he was one but when he breaks down, everything collapses physically and mentally. His heart was beating irregular and breathing was all over the place. He held the sheets tightly, the feeling of losing himself and breaking anything at sight. He threw everything to the ground and started to hold his arms and scratch. The pain made chuuya come back to his senses.

After the whole mess, chuuya cried himself to sleep around 6 am.

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