snow white with no antidote

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The shining red light hit Dazai's face,like a blinding light to hell.he walks in the bar to hear women talking and the sound of clinking glasses,he sighs deeply and sits down at his normal seat.

"Hey dazai, I haven't seen you around lately,what would you like to drink",the bartender said in a calm,sweet voice.

"Do you remember chuuya's favourite drink i'll have that"

"Are you going to meet up with him,how nice tell him i said hi"

"No...chuuya died a few days ago from an accident "

The bartender was shocked,he remembered the times chuuya would drink away after a stressful night but now he's dead.he felt sorrow and guilt because he knew dazai and chuuya were close,the countless flights he had to break up in the bar or the calls the bartender had to do if they were both black out drunk.akutagawa would always come to the rescue and drag them out the there only one,like a missing puzzle piece that you can't find and it annoys you to the point you break down.

"I'm sorry for your lose,i'll get you a 1964 Monopole red wine, the drink is on me okay " ( HA I DO MY RESEARCH)

Fun fact: the real chuuya liked cuba libre too,it's rum and cola.


Dazai stares at the bartender while he pours the drink imagining if Chuuya was right next to him smiling like a happy puppy.

"Here you go dazai"

He slides the cup to him,then dazai proceeds to drink it down like it was nothing.chuuya was always a light drink that honestly made dazai laugh.dazai finished the cup and slowly pour the cold icy drink ,it felt so refreshing that after a while he drank another cup.he knew he didn't want to get drunk tonight so he was caution of the amount.

After he said his goodbyes to the bartender and paid for the other drink,he left and started to walk back home.

The soft glow of car light running down and the street laps shone on his body.his chest felt aching,nakahara chuuya,the slug hat track slug was gone forever slipping through dazai's fingers.

Chuuya's face got stuck in his mind, especially the one in his dream.the devilish gin and eye widening look terrified him.when chuuya said 'it's your fault' drive dazai crazy.

It's your fault.

He opened the door to his apartment and grunted.the annoyance that he was still alive made him frustrated,and tired.he then thought the unthinkable.

Dazai sat down on the floor next to his bed contemplating to go through with it.he had an idea.a crazy idea but he didn't want to stick with reality and look for a world where crazy is normal.the unthinkable is real.maybe he was going crazy.he sat there then screamed as loud as he could,a small percentage of his longing desire of freedom cried at for him.

he sat there then screamed as loud as he could,a small percentage of his longing desire of freedom cried at for him

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The freedom of his echoing voice and pain escaping out his mouth.he wanted chuuya in his arms with a heartbeat and happy so much but he wasn't brave enough to lend him a single that moment he went to his draw of paper and slid one sheet out.

He grabbed a pen and wrote away his feelings and where he wanted to go,after that he folded the paper and placed it on his bed,throwing the pen in a random direction.

Dazai opened a container and threw every pill in his mouth,tears flowing down his face.he followed through and swallowed each pill with a blurred vision of his emotions leaking out his eyes.


He swallowed them all,while staring at a picture of chuuya,he wanted him to be there with him till the end like how he was with him.

When dazai finished the bottle,he knew that somehow dazai stayed alive so to finish it off dazai went to his living room where a rope hung from the ceiling. He alway had one there just in case he wasn't strong enough to make a knot in that moment.

Dazai stood at the end of the chair and said, "your stupid Slug, I actually fell for you hat track" before jumping off the chair.

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That night osamu dazai found out in his living room. Kunakida was the one that found him after the president told him to check but of him. They tried everything but this time dazai really succeeded in opening death's door. They found the note dazai wrote and it reads...

My life is nothing but an agonising pain of loneliness and discomfort but only one thing I could think of that really made me feel human. The port mafia and armed Detective agency, you guys all know that chuuya was my ex partner in crime and before he died we confessed each other feelings. He was a childish Slug that kept me sane but now he's gone, I will follow through and end my life. If you read this I will tell you what actions I have done to successfully kill myself, on my bed or floor there's an empty container of antidepressants pills and sleeping pills that I consumed. Afterwards I hopefully would have hung myself in the living room where I have already made a knot. I guess there is no prince to wake up this snow white. Chuuya isn't there to punch my life back to order so I will fall down with him. My request is to be buried next to chuuya and tell everyone that I have met that me and chuuya are together happily dead. Tell the bartender in lupin that I loved the last drink I had. Thank you everyone and see you all on the other side. (oRrR nOtTtT)

-osamu dazai

Everyone understood his actions but couldn't help but cry,someone so crazy,loving,smart has died by suicide.dazai was unquie and always unpredicable but suicide seemed to be the only thing everyone knew about him.he never got his ideal double suicide but dying for chuuya's sake was enough for him.

the president(fuguzawa ) hung a picture of dazai on the wall to remember him.dazai smiling with a shiny gold frame while in the port mafia koyo,gin,akutagawa and other others convinced everyone to put one up of chuuya.a memory of soukoku,the best partner in crime.

On the day of dazai's funeral,he was buried next to chuuya with his suicide note,to remeber dazai's love for him.two spider lilies were place on each grave.

This is the way double black went down in history for their overwhelming love <3


I'm thinking of doing an alternative ending,please leave a comment if you want a happy ending .

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