Chapter 03.1

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"Gulf, Can you take this order to table 8?"
Gulf looked up and nodded.
"Ok P'Run"

It was 7 in the evening, but still the number of customers  they had was enough to make them exhausted.

Gulf had been working in a cafe named "Full Moon Cafe" near his dorm, for several months. As he had to bear his own study costs, so he had to do a part-time job beside his study. The day when he went to Mew's office, he took Mild and Boat to this cafe as he promised. And as it was a new cafe back then, when Gulf asked for a part time job, he immediately got that, and decided to join after finishing his pending assignments for midterm.

He was an orphan. His parents left him alone in this cruel world when he was just 7. 

At that young age, he had to face the cruelty of this world and Its people. None of his relatives were ready to give him a space in their family. They didn’t  pity that crying little soul. After that accident, he was with his father's younger brother for a couple of months. But soon he became a burden for that family. 

Then he was sent to his father's sister's house. But as soon as they got all the properties and bank accounts of Gulf's Dad on their hand, they all behaved with Gulf like he was a stray kid.

Unfortunately, Gulf didn’t have any relatives from his mother’s side as they never accepted their son-in-law. Gulf's mom and dad got married going against her family. And from that day, none of them ever contacted her.

And at the end, Gulf was sent to an orphanage. From then, he started to create a wall around him. 

He always used to be alone and didn’t talk much with anyone, until he met with Mild and Boat in his high school. Mild was the one who approached him first. He was so charming and always trying to cheer Gulf up. And Gulf also felt good when he was around them. 

Gulf had been the most brilliant student from his childhood. So, he got several scholarships which helped him to continue his study after high school. And now when he was in Uni, the costs increased a lot. So, he had to find a job.

That day was one of the busy days for Gulf and the cafe owner Run. Cause the other employees  either took a day off or left early. 

Gulf didn’t have anything to do. He was done with his midterm also and was waiting for the results to come out. So he decided to help Run after finishing his daily work time.

Normally, at that time they don't have many customers. But they were shocked when a huge group of girls entered. And now the cafe was almost full.

Gulf was busy taking and serving orders and Run was busy making the teas, the coffees and the snacks.

Gulf was back-facing the door, so he didn’t realise when a new customer entered in the cafe, until he heard a familiar voice calling his name.

"Gulf, What are you doing here!?"

Gulf was shocked to death when he saw Mew was standing in front of him with a confused as well as shocked look on his face.

It was more than a couple of months since Mew started to take their class.
Everytime Mew entered in their class, Gulf's heart started to beat like he just ran a race.
And the whole time Mew used to be in his class, Gulf became red like a tomato.

He tried his best to control himself, still he was caught several times by Mew while staring at him.
He was extra careful during Mew's class not to make any mistake again.
He can't afford to take all those teasings again from Mew.

When Mew said to Gulf that he can approach him whenever he needs any help, Gulf decided not to go to him ever, because he thought he would mess up his words and will be embarrassed.
Just remembering the smirked face and teasing tone of Mew, gave him goosebumps and made him all blood-red.

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