Chapter 12

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"Hey… wake up"

"Open your eyes…. Hurry up"

"Somebody splash some water on his face, we can't wait the whole day for him to wake up and talk.."

He flinched and choked on his saliva when iced-cold water was splashed on his face. He tried to open his eyes but the water running down his face and an eyes-burning white light was preventing him. He tried to move his hands only to find that his hands and legs were tied up in the chair he was sitting on.

The entire room was dark. The only light was coming from the hanging bulb just right above his head. The place was dusty, bags of cement and stacked bricks were indicating that it was a construction building. 

He clearly remembered he was walking through the passage of Patara house after getting a call from the security room informing him that someone found the night guard unconscious.

The moment he took the last turn, suddenly something hard hit on the back of his head and he fell on the ground. And when he came back to the earth again, he was in that position.

From the silence surrounding them and the darkness peeking through the incomplete window space, he could tell it was still night. How long had he been unconscious? Two or three hours? Maybe!

"W-ho are y-ou? Wh-at do you wa-nt from m-e?", he managed to voice out while coughing hard in between. The pain on his entire body and on the back of his head was killing him.

"Oh thank God! He can still talk after all the beatings. I thought maybe he was going to die", one of the three men said, naked humour evident in his voice.

"Don't even dare to touch him again. I only asked you to make him unconscious and bring him here, there was no need to beat an unconscious guy like that. If something had happened to him, boss would kill all of us", another one said, whose voice was deeper than the previous one.

"Time to make him talk", he continued and signed something to the third one.

"Wa-ter… Ple-ase.. *cough* let me drink *cough* water" he felt his throat dry up and he kept coughing continuously. 

"Oh! You want water? Sure, we will give you. But you have to answer us first"

The man with the deep voice said.

"Here you go, Boris", the third one brought a tape recorder and the deep voiced guy whose name was Boris took it and ordered the first one.

"Nick, please bring that chair here", and a scratching noise was heard throughout the room. He sat on it in front of the other chair and continued his orders.

"Jason, prepare a glass of water for him. I need him to talk", and the third guy named Jason left after nodding to Boris.

"Now young man, spill the beans. Your name?" he asked the tied man as he placed the recorder on the table between them and he blinked, still struggling to open his eyes but managed to adjust a bit in the light.

"Lhong", he answered shortly.

"Good", he said in an appreciative tone as if he was happy to hear his name. He leaned forward looking straight into Lhong's eyes and continued. 

"Why did you try to kill Gulf?", Lhong visually gasped and his eyes widened. Boris could see that he was trembling. Well, because of his wet clothes or because of the question, he didn’t know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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