Chapter 10

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"So…You have a sister! That's amazing"

"Yeah.. 8 years old. Hella mischievous. She is really excited about you and I'm sure she is going to make you crazy with her weird questions", Mew and Gulf both laughed together as Mew took a sharp turn.

They were in Mew's car heading to Mew's home.

Run and Max was sitting in the back seats and was just listening as Mew and Gulf were talking, mostly Mew was telling him about his family.

"And maybe dad is going to be home today to receive you. He is the superintendent of police. So he can take a leave whenever he wants", with that Gulf raised an eyebrow and turned to Mew.

"Really? You never told me your dad is a police officer." Gulf asked and Mew shook his shoulders.

"Well, the topic never came up", he glanced at Gulf and chuckled. 

"Max, will you stop it? Calling him continuously is not going to change anything. He will contact, don't worry", Gulf looked up at the rearview mirror when he heard Run talking to Max and he saw Max was calling someone with a very worried expression. 

Actually ever since they got into the car, Max was always looking at his phone. Gulf did notice that but didn’t give that much attention.

He looked at Mew who was actually observing him, glancing at him now and then.

Mew quickly glanced at him once again and raised his brows in a questioning manner.

"Ummm.. Phi.. I haven’t seen Sir Tul since this morning. Is he at your home? I really wanted to thank him. He always cares for me a lot. Even at the University he always asks me how my study is going and if I need anything or not. I haven’t got the chance to talk to him properly. Where is he, krub?", Gulf asked and the whole car was suddenly engulfed by an awkward silence. 

"He has some work, nong. So he is away right now. I will tell him to meet you once he is back, okay?", Gulf nodded as Run answered and Max heaved a deep sigh while leaning back at his seat, looking outside of the window worriedly. 

Watching Max, Gulf also felt something was building up inside of him. Was it fear? Was it tension? Was it a worry? He didn’t know.

But he was sure there was something that Mew, Max and Run didn’t want him to know and that was making him anxious. 

After a few minutes they finally reached Jongcheveevat mansion. Mew and Run helped Gulf to get down from the car and Max prepared the wheelchair for him.

Mew pushed the chair and Run helped Max to carry all the bags to the house.

Mew's mom was waiting for them at the door. 
But the most excited one was Jom. She was carrying Chopper and was bouncing up and down excitedly. 

Gulf liked Mew's mom very quickly. She was a beautiful woman, both from inside and outside. She was really caring. 
She welcomed Gulf so lovingly and treated him like her own son.

She helped Mew to take Gulf to his room that was upstairs and made sure that Gulf was feeling comfortable asking now and then if he needed anything or if there was anything that might make him feel uneasy.

Though Gulf was feeling shy as expected, since she knew who Gulf was to Mew but soon he found himself being comfortable around her.

He had long forgotten how it felt like to be cared tenderly, what it felt like to have a mother or to be a son. Aunt Jong was making his eyes teary by making him feel all the love and care he missed since childhood. He felt overwhelmed every time she asked him anything with so much love.

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