Chapter 1

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Beep Beep Beep*
I slap my alarm clock off as a way to tell it to stop screaming at me. I stare at the lifeless ceiling above me refusing to lose the staring contest. My eyes burn and tears are sprinting down my face but I don't care. I'm already up, I've been up the whole night. I didn't get any sleep last night, I just let my thoughts ponder which isn't always a good thing. I finally decide to get up. I walk to the mirror like a zombie. 'You look like a mess no wonder you get treated like trash.' I scoff at myself in the mirror and get ready for hell also known as school. I brush my teeth, and my hair so it looks somewhat presentable, and put on my school uniform not caring that it's wrinkled. I look one more time in the mirror, still ugly as always. I'm Astro, an 18 year-old dark skin girl with long black hair and dark chocolate eyes. I'm 5'7 so a little above the average height for woman and I'm in my last year of high school. I don't really like life much, I get bullied a lot at school and I have an unsupportive family who also loves to degrade me. I never get a break. I finish looking at myself and walk downstairs and greet my "family". Technically speaking, they are my family. My mom birthed me and I have a roof over my head, but for emotional, physical, and mental support, I get nothing. I might as well be living alone. I reach downstairs and I don't even get a second to breathe before the degrading starts.

Home Away From Home~A Stray Kids FFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें