Chapter 4

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"No I'm not useless, shut up, no no no please... Noooo!" I shoot up from my nightmare screaming, sweating and crying. I look around the unfamiliar room until my eyes adjust and I realize I'm in the nurse. I notice a boy by my bed who looks worried.
"Hey... It's okay. You're safe, I think you were having a nightmare," The random boy states.
I look away embarrassed that a random stranger I don't even know saw me like that. "Um... Y-Yeah I was," I answer. "Who are you? How did I get here?"
"Oh right..My name is Felix, Felix Lee. I was walking to class when I saw those girls beating you up. I told them off and saw you passed out on the floor so I took you here. What's your name?" He gleams a bright smile and replies with a voice as deep as the ocean. I was taken aback by the voice, this boy looked so ethereal. He has freckles all over his face which made it look like a game of connect the dots, he had chocolate brown eyes that I could easily get lost in, a define jaw line that looks like it could easily cut me, a smile that could light up a room, a whole city, the whole world even, and long blonde hair that made him look really cute. Let's not forget the Australian accent that made him even more attractive. I didn't realize I was staring when his voice brought me back to reality. "Um you're staring," He stated shyly.
"O-Oh I'm so s-sorry, I d-didn't mean t-to," I mentally scolded myself for studdering.
"It's okay," He chuckles. "I asked your name."
"Oh right, my name is Astro, Astro Kim," I answer.
"It's nice to meet you Astro," Felix replies with a giant smile.
"It's nice to meet you too," I state as I copy his expression. I try to move but my body hurt too much and I lay back down. I guess Felix saw my struggle because he started speaking.
"Oh yeah... after I brought you hear, I tried to patch you up as best as I could without invading privacy and waited for you to wake up," He says shyly.
"Oh...thank you," I answer sincerely.
"No problem," Felix replies as he makes eye contact with me. "Do you maybe wanna be friends?"

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