Chapter 15

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" everything okay?" Felix breaks the ice.
"Yes and no," I respond.
"Okay....? Shoot," Felix settles in as the waiter comes with our drinks and we thank her.
"Okay mom texted me," I nervously state.
Felix spits out his drink. "She what?! Texted you?"
"Keep your voice down, you're causing attention and yes she texted me," I reply.
"Well what did she say?" he asks. I sigh as I pull out my phone and give it to Felix for him to read. After he reads the messages he sets the phone down and sighs. "So what are you gonna do? What are you feeling?" He questions.
"I don't know what to do to be honest. I feel angry, sad, glad, what's making me feel all of these emotions is because I don't know what her intentions are you know? Like does she wanna see me because I became famous? Or maybe she actually cares now? But why now? Why after all these months? After things started getting amazing and I was doing something for my life," I inhale deeply after I finish because I spoke in one breath. "I wanted to talk to you to get your insight and opinion on what I should do because you know the best what I've been through and what they put me through."
"Yeah I totally understand that. It's totally normal that you feel and think all of those things. I'm also glad you came to me, because if I'm being honest I think you should go and see her and your family and show them how much you've grown from when you were in high school. I'm so proud of you and what you've become, you are doing bigger and better things and I think you should rub that in their face that they weren't apart of it," He states.
"You think so?" I question again.
"One hundred percent. Also you don't have to go alone, you can go with just me or all of us. We were always there for you so I'm sure we'll be there now."
I smile." Thank you Felix, I appreciate you a lot, and this helped a lot."
After that, Felix and I decide to leave and to have a team meeting. I text the boys and tell them to meet us in the living room because I have something to say. After a while, we reach home to the boys waiting for us in the living room. I tell them that my mom reached out and that she wants me to go see her and the family to talk. They ask me a bunch of questions on how I reacted and if I was okay. I let me them know I wasn't okay earlier but after talking to Felix, I was. After me getting trampled by more questions, I let them know that I will be going to see my family and that I want them to come with me because without them I wouldn't be where I am now.
"Yay! We're going on another trip!" Jeongin screams and we chuckle at the youngest.

Home Away From Home~A Stray Kids FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora