Chapter 8

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"Where have you been? Where you out with that Felix boy? Is he your boyfriend? Of course you were you're always out with that boy doing who knows what and chasing after him instead of getting your life together and acting like how a lady is supposed to act. This is why you aren't and never will be considered my daughter!" He screams at me. I stay silent. "Answer me goddamit!" He screams louder as he slaps me hard across the face. A tear falls down my face.
"FIrst of all, Felix is my best friend not my boyfriend. Two I was with him all day because I didn't want to come home," I reply.
"Ugh you're such a disgrace!" My father throws a bottle at me. "Go to your room!" After that I go to my room and slam the door. I flop on my bed like a fish out of water and slam my face into the pillow repeatedly. I start crying and let all my emotions out. I punch, kick, scream, and do anything until I'm drain of energy. The only thing I do after is call Felix. He answers on the first ring.
"Astro?" He asks. His voice is deeper than usual like he was sleeping.
"Were you sleeping? Did I wake y-you? I ask and my voice cracks, the one thing I didn't want to happen. I hear Felix getting up frantically.
"Why are you crying? Do you need me? What happened?" He interrogates me.
"I-I'm fine I promise," I lie.
"Astro you obviously aren't. Did he hurt you? What happened? Tell me.....please," He responds softly.
"He screamed at me and threw a bottle at me, but that's all I swear." I respond in defeat.
"He what?! Threw at bottle at you?! That's all?! Are you okay?! I'm coming to get you," He speaks frantically.
"NO! No don't come you'll only make it worse," I sigh. "He was drinking again like always and he mentioned some stuff about you, so you coming here won't make a difference. Felix I know how much you want me to move with you but I'm not going to. I know I can get him back to his old self. I know I can fix him from his drinking habits. I'm sorry."
"What?! Astro, Please don't do this to me. Please I'm trying to help you. Look at what he's doing to you, do you really think you can fix that? No one can fix that," He argues.
"I'm sorry Feli-" I was about to reply to felix when I heard banging on the door and my dad barging in.

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