Chapter 2

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"Astro, you're an 18 year old girl and still can't even take care of yourself," My father scolds me. My father, Eziekial, is an alcoholic. When he gets drunk he takes out all of his anger on me. I used to cry myself to sleep because of the things he would say, and the next day after he sobered up he would apologize. But it just kept happening, and the more it did the more numb to the pain and his words I got.
"Where did you learn to live like that?" My mother scoffs. My mother on the other hand never even tried. She never was a mother to me. I don't know the reason, maybe she wanted another boy, or maybe I didn't meet her expectations as a daughter. But I stopped caring and coming up with conclusions on why she didn't love me like she loved Jeremiah.
"Maybe if you presented yourself better you wouldn't get bullied at school," My brother Jeremiah chips in.
"Maybe, if you actually acted like my parents and treated me like I'm your daughter, which I am by the way if you forgot, I would actually know how to take care of myself which I think I do a pretty good job of having no guidance growing up," I retort snarkily.
My father bangs his fist on the table as if he's a monkey, "Who taught you to talk back to your elders?! You should respect me, not talk this nonsense to me," He shouts.
"Do you feel proud talking to us with that mouth?" mom asks shocked.
"Once again, I wouldn't act like this if I had a family, and yes, I feel very proud talking to you like this," I reply with my chest high. I put my headphones in, turn around and head for the door before a hand tightly grabs my wrist and harshly turns me around.
"We aren't done here," My dad states, glaring at me. I used to get scared of this look, but not anymore.
"I think we are," I reply with a sarcastic smile on my face.
He was about to slap me when I grabbed his wrist. " Better luck next time," I state as I yank my hand out of his grip and walk out the door. I start to blast music in my ears as I walk to school to drain out my thoughts. It doesn't work most of the time and it isn't working now. It's just making them louder.
Useless, Worthless, Why are you even alive? They just got louder and louder no matter how high my music was.
"Shut up," I talk to my thoughts. Ooo is the baby's feelings getting hurt? How pathetic. "I said shut up," I repeat a little louder as I hit my head and press my hands over my head to make the voices stop.
And what are you gonna do to make it stop? End it? That's the only way we'll stop. End it.
"SHUT UP!" I shout out loud and pant heavily. I look around and see everyone whispering and pointing at me. I run away from embarrassment to school as tears start to make a slip and slide down my face.

I make it to school sweaty and panting hard as I walk to the bathroom to freshen up. Once I make it to the bathroom, I turn on the cold water and splash it on my face. I do it again, and again, and again until I was soaked in cold water.
"Ugh still ugly. Everything everyone says about you is true. Why are you even still here?" I talk at myself through the mirror. I sigh and walk outside the bathroom forgetting that I soaked my uniform in water. I didn't even make it two steps outside the bathroom before someone grabs my hair and slams me into a locker.

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