Chapter 5

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"Are you sure you wanna be friends with someone like me? A weirdo? a nobody? Someone who gets bullied a lot? No family?" I ask him.
"I don't think that. I just think you are somebody who needs someone to be by you when you need it and to be a friend," He replies. "I wanna be that someone for you, not because I pity you or anything just because I know you have good on the inside of you and just need someone to help you bring it out, you know," He states.
I wipe a tear from my eye that I didn't know had fell," Are you sure? I can be a lot sometimes, I have a lot of things wrong with me," I look away sadly.
"Yes I'm sure," he answers as he takes his finger and makes me face him. "I can be like your superhero or something," I chuckle at his response with a slight blush on my face from how close we are. "So what do you say?" He asks.
"Sure, I'd like that." I reply happily.

Stage 1: Call to Adventure
Felix and I have been friends for a few months now and he's stuck with me though everything. He knows everything about me, like about my home life, my depression, my anxiety, and also the good things like my hobbies, favorite food, etc. He's helped me when my depression got the best of me or even when I had anxiety attacks. I'm really grateful that I have a best friend like him. He was my light in the darkness, my superhero. While I was appreciating my best friend in my mind, he texted me and said he had some good news for me. He told me to meet him at the park we always go to. I was sitting on a bench in the park and I wasn't waiting long until I heard someone call my name.

"Astro!" Felix calls out running towards me.
"Felix!" I smile wide like a dogs mouth in the wind when it sticks its head out the window.
"I hope you weren't waiting long?" he says hopefully.
"No I wasn't, I just got here." I answer is sort of question. "Anyways...what was the good news?"    
"Oh right," He speaks as he sits down and takes a deep breath. "I'm moving back home to Australia for music because I got an offer from this really good company."
"Oh my gosh! Felix that's amazing!" I scream as I hug him. Although I was happy for him, I was kind of sad because I didn't want to lose Felix. I didn't want things to go back to the way they used to be. Although the degrading and abuse at home didn't stop, school had still gotten a lot better because I was friends with him. I didn't realized my facial expression had dropped because he spoke.
"I know you're kind of sad that I'm moving, but this is where the next part comes in," He talks mischievously.
"Okay," I reply as almost as a question.
"Move with me," He talks as if it's nothing.

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