Chapter 10

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"Get out. I don't want you here anymore," He states plainly.
"W-What? Why?" I interrogate.
"Did you not here me, get out! I don't want a disgrace like you in my house anymore!" He screams as he opens my window and starts throwing stuff out. I grab his arm to try and stop him.
"Dad please stop," I cry out. "I can help you, you're just saying this because you're drunk."
"Don't call me dad! You have no right to call me that!" He yanks me off his arm and hits me.
"What did I ever do to make you hate me?!" I scream back.
"You were born!!" He states and slams the door. I break down and sob. I forgot that Felix was on the phone and I run and speak.
"F-Felix?" I ask nervously.
"Pack your suitcase I'm coming to get you. I know you said that you didn't want to leave but after that how could you not? If you still want to sta-"
I cut him off "I'll come... I'll come with you"
"Be there in five minutes," He states and ends the call. I pack all the stuff that are much value to me, which isn't much and wait for Felix. After five minutes, I hear a car horn and know it's him. I walk downstairs as fast as possible to make it to him. I reach him, but not after Eziekial throws more nasty words at me and another bottle. Felix puts my suitcase in the car and makes sure I'm in safely before driving away.

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