Chapter 3

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"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" A girl apologized to me sarcastically. I know that voice from a mile a way. It's the most popular girl in the school, Yasmine. She's basically what every highschool movie popular girl is like. Pretty, a bully, tall, and she puts herself above everyone else. Ugh here we go again. I try and get up just to be shoved down again.
"Maybe if you weren't in the way like roadkill you wouldn't have found yourself shoved into a locker," She states as her and her possy start to laugh.
"And maybe if you didn't get plastic surgery after getting bullied in the ninth grade you wouldn't be as popular. I think when you die they should put you in the recycle instead of a coffin," I look at her with a proud face while I speak. Her friends start to giggle but she glares at them and they stop. I know I'm in for it now.
"Girls, get her. I'm starting to sweat, this is too much work," She scoffs.
I smirk at her, "Oh no, she's melting, we can't let that happen." She scoffs and stomps off. With that I start to get kicked, punched, slapped, my hair pulled, everything you can think of until I'm on the verge of passing out. The last thing I hear before I pass out is a voice, but I couldn't comprehend the words before blackness.

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