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I am finding it very hard to comprehend what Zainab is saying to me. I understand the words she is saying as I have been speaking English since I was a child but the meaning behind her words are just incomprehensible.
"Let me get this straight, you want to leave your barely two week old baby with a nanny and go on campaign tour with Timothy" I say .
"Yes", she answers like it's perfectly normal.
"Are you going to help me check on them, make sure the new nanny is doing okay", she repeats impatiently.
"You know what, why don't they stay here", I find myself saying.
"You don't know this woman, I'd feel safer if they stay with me. What do you think?", I ask while sizing her up and trying to guess how she feels about my suggestion.
"That actually sounds great but hope it's not too much to ask", she says sounding unsure.
"Well technically you didn't ask, I offered".
"Thank you Sarayu", Zainab says turning her face away from me to hide her tears.
I do not know how to take her gratitude or give her comfort so i pretend not to notice her sniffling and look everywhere except where she is sitted.
She seems to be dealing with postpartum depression but I barely know her so I do not know how to offer any help.
An awkward moment passes before she pulls herself together and leaves.

The newest occupants of my house baby Mariam and her nanny have settled in, Timothy and Zainab embarked on their Nationwide campaign tour along with his running mate Mrs Idara King and other members of his campaign team. I can hardly believe that after twelve years i have a baby in my house again.
The excitement of this campaign thing has refused to rob off on me, I just want the whole thing to be over and done with. I have no desire to be a pessimist so I keep my opinions to myself but I cannot shake it off i have a bad feeling about this presidential race.
Zainab's attitude this morning worries me greatly, she seemed relived while saying goodbye. She should talk to a professional but I do not think I can suggest it to her and even if I do I highly doubt she would go for it because let us be honest this is Nigeria people hardly seek professional help willingly when it comes to mental health. If I suggest she sees a therapist it might even seem insulting.

"Good evening Nigeria and welcome to the show. My name is Chimanda Samuels and this is Nigeria votes 21".
Joining me on the show today is Alhaji Babangida a political analyst and we will be discussing everything concerning the up coming election".

"Thank you Mrs. Samuel for having me on the show".

"Alhaji Babangida thank you for joining us today. The 2021 electoral race has taken a very dramatic turn today, just this morning we saw a delegation of Mr Hassan's campaign team set out on a Nationwide campaign tour to Garner the support of key party stakeholders in various states and at the same time Mr. Abdullahi Ibrahim who happens to be Mrs Zainab Hassan's ex husband has purchased a presidential candidacy form under the same party as Mr Hassan. What do you make of these events sir".

"Well prior to today we where all under the impression that Mr. Hassan was running in this year's presidential election unopposed as the flag bearer  for his party, the PPP. Now we just have to wait till the primaries to see who will emerge as the parties representative".

"In your opinion who does the party seem to lean towards Mr. Hassan or Mr. Ibrahim".

"As at the moment it is very hard to tell because Mr. Ibrahim kept his intentions under wraps for so long but Mr. Hassan does seem to be at an advantage because it is very clear that he is being endorsed by the he party chairman due to family affiliation with Zainab's Grandfather".

"Sir what do you think about Mr. Hassan's running mate Mrs. Idara King".

"Has is a real success, a grass to grace story. Unlike Mr Hassan she comes from a very humble background, she grew up in a riverine community in Akwa Ibom state. She's gotten where she is by education and hardwork. Her resume in the finance industry is very impressive and i believe her expertise will do this country some good".

"Social media has been buzzing since Mr. Hassan was spotted with the new mother, Mrs Zainab and not his first wife. It seems like Mrs Zainab Hassan will be acting in the role of first lady if Mr Hassan win the election and that isn't going down well with a lot of people. What do you think about the situation Sir."

"  I would have been suprised if the situation was any different. Mrs Sarayu has been known to be a very reserved character while that is just the opposite of Zainab. Zainab's family is very well known in the political sphere and she is quite experienced in political matters so
It is only rational that she is at the forefront of affairs".

Sarayu switched off the television plunging the living room into complete darkness. She did not know how or what to feel. All she knew was she felt blank, a certain type of numbnes mixed with an emotion that was not quite familiar.
She never wanted to be noticed by anyone or in the forefront of Timothy's career but seeing Timothy and Zainab on the news step out  hand in hand earlier she couldn't help but feel that should have been her. The feeling was foreign because in all her years with Timothy she was always quite confident with her position in his life.
Yes she was not fond of the media or the general public but damn that was her husband they were supposed to do life together come whatever may.
She was green eyed with jealousy but why, not now when she thought she had been reconciled to the fact that anything between Timothy and herself was over.

When Love Is War.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن