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Mrs Hassan's POV

It pains me to admit it but I have missed Timothy. It's not easy to cut off all forms of communication with someone you have spoken to everyday for the better part of your life but I did. Through out his two week honey moon in Dubai, he tried calling multiple times on which I did not answer, he later got the memo and began to send me messages which I read and gave no reply to. Very childish of me I know this but I could not help my self.
According to Timothy's last text he came back to Nigeria late last night and he was coming over with groceries to make dinner tonight as per our Saturday night tradition.
Breakfast was awfully quiet, even Ben did not speak. It seemed like my depressed state of recent was beginning to affect everyone so I decided to do something about it. A trip to the salon seemed like a great idea because it had been awhile and what could cheer someone up better than a new look.
I sat down in the corner of my favorite salon, mindlessly playing a mobile game on my phone while the hairstylist pulled at my hair painfully trying to weave it into a simple chukwu style I chose earlier on. My feet soaked in the tub of water as I had decided to get a manicure and pedicure as well.
"I heard the latest Mrs Hassan is back", I heard a woman say in an annoying voice disrupting my peace and quiet. I sat at the back of the salon were the woman and her friend who sat in front of the mirror could not see me but I could see them quite clearly. They went on to discuss the wedding in great detail as well as the fact that my family has been trending for the past two weeks, which was news to me. I had purposely avoided using all social media platforms, I gave the publicist my password and permission to comment appropriately on their wedding pictures.
"I can't understand Sarayu Hassan's attitude to the whole marriage thing", a lady who had been quiet through out the whole conversation said.
"I believe the marriage was on the rocks, you know some women stay married because of status. Zainab could be the man's true love for all we know", another woman answered.
I decided I had heard enough and slipped my ear piece on. The poor girl who was doing my nails looked so uncomfortable obviously recognising I was the one these women were talking about.
I finished at the salon at around 2pm and I decided to grab lunch before heading home. I didn't feel like going home, I could have called Sade or Layla but I knew how busy they could get on weekends. I stopped at a fast food place bought myself a large burger, chips, chicken nuggets and soda then I drove myself back home.
When I arrived I saw Timothy's car in the garage so I was not surprised by the sounds that greeted me from the front door the scene I met in the kitchen warmed my heart. The boys were joking around with there Dad as they put the groceries away. I was happy that despite the tension between Timothy and I they could still relate freely with their father.
"Hi guys, Timothy welcome", I said making my presence known as I took a sit and unpacked my meal.
The boys greeted back looking much better than they were this morning at breakfast and continued their task. Timothy said thank you to me for whatever reason and we managed a few awkward moments of polite conversation, enquiring about his trip and even talking about the weather. I ate my meal swiping the boys hands a way as they tried to steal my chips even though they have had lunch. After I finish eating I excuse myself to the living room while the boys go about preparing for dinner, from what I could see they were planning a feast. I settled on the couch with a blanket, a novel and got lost in my own world. The novel was actually my Mother's, she was a writer. I never got tired of reading her work, it made me feel close to her.

Merry Christmas ❤️

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