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Mrs Hassan's POV.

Today was the day of the wedding and I went about my day like I would on any regular Saturday. Zainab and I have been pretending like our little outburst a week plus ago didn't happen. Timothy tried to bring it up but the look I gave him caused the words to die in his throat. That angry mum look works on all my boys.
Sade, Layla and her eldest daughters Ava who was sixteen and chisom who was fourteen arrived at my house by 6 pm with dinner from Mama's kitchen, one of my favorite restaurant that specializes in local Nigerian dishes. Sade's children are all under the age of ten and Layla's boys were under the age of six, so they hired a baby sitter for them.
I ate this amazing moi-moi that was steamed in banna leaves and had chunks of fish and meat in it. Layla did my makeup while her daughter did Sade's and her sister's. Layla was a very successful make up artist and her daughter at only sixteen was a makeup guru.
We converged outside fully dressed, everyone looked remarkable.My girls kept hailing me on how good I looked as I took selfies. Sade was like the ultimate hype woman. My boys were looking Sharp in their agbadas and for a moment I was excited forgeting where we were headed.
"Enough selfies guys,we are already almost two hours late, so once we arrive its straight to the dance floor okay", I said to everyone.
I shared spraying money to the children, I gave the older children that's Jason and Ava a bundle of one thousand naira notes each and I gave Ben and Chisom a bundle of hundred naira notes each.
"Children spray all the money, don't pocket it oh because I know you guys", I warned them.
The children went in Layla's car while Layla, Sade, Layla and i went in Sade's car. Sade's husband was a billionaire so she had the best ride among the three of us.
All through the car ride we vibed to the latest hits on the radio. When we arrived at the event center the children had already parked, we parked beside them and got down. Right from outside you could tell the party was already in full swing,from the music and the people scattered around making calls, taking pictures or chatting. Before we entered the hall Sade gave Layla and I a bundle of pound notes each.
The hall was packed with people, I am so sure the air conditioner was turned high but it was still warm. I wonder why they didn't do it outdoors instead, it was a lovely night and it was yet to start raining as of now. This was a typical Nigerian wedding with people eating both Nigerian and foreign dishes, loud music and way too much decorations, all flowers and lights everywhere.
When we made it to the dance floor people seemed to make way for us, I don't mean to beat my own drums but we looked like squad goals. Timothy looked tired but happy to see us, Zainab looked good I had to admit that. They swayed back ane forth to this music that seemed like it was straight out of an arewa movie.
"Which type of song is this, I dey come",(I'm coming) Sade said as she walked towards the DJ.
A second later the music changed and the room seemed to light up with excitement. I wasn't much of a dancer but I tried my best to dance in tune with the music as i made it rain pounds and naira notes. My husband was getting married, I wasn't going to share him with his work but a whole woman and I was dancing and laughing. It was ironic that sadness was the last thing on my mind as Sade and Layla made funny dance moves and urged me on.
We laughed and joked as we made our way to our assigned table. At our table mama Hassan were seated.
"Good evening Mama" I greet.
Layla and Sade greet her as well as we all have our seats.
"Good evening" Mama answered a small smile on her lips. Am sure she must be happy about her new daughter-in-law, she never liked me anyway.
Sade calls a server over and oders some drinks and small chops for us all. I made small talk with Mama inquiring about her health and her journey. All was fine with her of course, I wonder what Timothy's late father would have taught about this marriage. Timothy's late father owned Rocks in Adamawa state a company that deals with solid minerals or something like that, Timothy as the oldest son was supposed to study geology or business administration and take over the family business but he didn't and his younger brother Philip who was notably absent took over as CEO instead. Timothy always said he wanted to do work that will affect humanity so he became a lawyer and now a politician.
After over thirty minutes of small talk and easy banter between Layla, Sade and myself I decided to call it a night. I sent the boys to say goodnight to Timothy but Benjamin was a little reluctant so I followed them. We made our way to the front of the hall we're they sat, greeting people as we went.
"Sarayu, meet my mother", Zainab said gesturing to the woman that stood beside her. They looked exactly alike but Zainab was dark while her mum was light skinned.
"Good evening Mrs Ahmed, congratulations" I said.
"Thank you".
"Zainab we are going home. Boys are you ready"
"Goodnight Sarayu, we'll see tomorrow", Timothy said speaking to me for the first time that night.
"Babe our flight to Dubai is by 6am" , Zainab said in her annoying voice.
See this one, who is she calling babe I thought to myself.
"I'll call you guys. See you in two weeks" Timothy said ignoring her stupid statement. We said our goodbyes and headed home.

Authors Note

I should have written this before the very first chapter but I'm writing now. Here are some important things to note;
*Do not steal my work.
*All characters in this book are from my imagination and any characters resembling persons either dead or alive are purely coincidental.
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