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" Whoever just walked into my room should get out", Sarayu said not moving an inch from her position on the bed. She was lying on her back looking at the the ceiling and she didn't bother to even glance at who just stepped into her bedroom but she knew it was her husband.
"It's my bedroom too".
"No it's not. This is not your bedroom", she shouted whilst getting into a sitting position on the bed.
"Keep your voice down, I can see you are itching for a fight but I'm not here to fight. Can we please talk like two adults".
"Timothy you are such a coward, shame on you", she said standing in front of him.
"Did you just call me a coward".
"Yes I did, you disgust me. You were too scared to tell me about the wedding and you were too scared to tell me about the pregnancy".
"You will speak to me with respect, in my house".
" First of all this is our house, soon to be my house. Secondly, as of late have you given me any respect Timothy Hassan. You have failed to respect our vows, so don't talk to me about respect. Was the whole I'm marrying her for politics thing even real or was it because of the pregnancy".
" I didn't lie to you".
"But you did Timothy, you lied. At this point in our relationship withholding information is as good as lieing".
"I'm sorry".
"You cheated and you have given yourself license to continue to cheat. You have me looking like a fool, why should I stick around for that?"
"Timothy answer me".
"It's very good that you have no answer. I want a divorce".
"Please Sarayu don't do this, I messed up but don't," he says falling on his knees begging.
At this point it all felt fake to Sarayu.
"Stand up Timothy, I won't wreck your P.R we will keep this facade of a marriage up but after your campaign we are done".
"Please Sarayu, you mean the world to me".
" If I meant the world to you we wouldn't be at this point, please just stand up and get out of my room," she said calmly.
"Sarayu" he began saying as he got to his feet but she would not let him finish.
"Get out", she screamed at the top of her voice.
With one last glance at her he walked out of the room to meet two pairs of eyes staring at him.
He pushed past them and went to the guest bedroom banging the door behind him.
Benjamin walked into his mother's bedroom to see her sitting on the floor, crying and rocking herself. He hugged his mother not understanding why they had to act like everything was okay when they were falling apart. He wished things could go back to normal.
Jason stood at the doorway not knowing whether to comfort his mother or speak to his father . He hardly knew how to deal with his own emotions not to talk of that of others. In the end he decided to do nothing, he turned back and walked towards his bedroom . He couldn't deal with what was going on, his family was breaking and he couldn't do anything about it so he slept. Somethings were inevitable, so maybe they had sailed their course as a happy family and now it was time to jump ship or sink , those were his last thoughts before sleep took over him.
The next few weeks in the Hassan's house was gloomy. The children went to school, their mother did her work, their father was between houses. Everyone was going about there business and all looked normal but beneath the surface bonds we're strengthening and others were falling apart. Timothy Hassan stayed at Zainab's new house a few blocks away from the home he
shared with Sarayu and the children. At this point he was wondering if he still had a home. He went to work from Monday to Friday as usual and after work on Friday he went to his former home, tried to spend time with his children and slept in the guest bedroom where Sarayu had his things moved into. On Sunday they went to church and after church they had lunch with Zainab.
Sarayu was healing whilst everything was going on. Slowly but surely she made peace with the fact that her marriage was over. Timothy and herself would always be friends even if their marriage had come to an end and she was fine with that.
Her acceptance did her a lot of good foe her and everyone else involved. She no longer held any resentment towards Zainab so they were quite cordial. Family outings became less and less tedious for everyone as they formed a new normal.

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