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Three Months Later.

"Sarayu I can not believe you kept something this big from us", Sade manages to say pushing past the shock.
"So it's official, you are now in a polygamous relationship", Layla states.
" Well yes", Sarayu replies thinking " this is exactly why she did not fill them in on the latest development.
"Polygamy hardly ever ends well. Are you sure about what you are doing?", Sade warns.
" A polygamous relationship can be healthy, I think ours has been healthy so far".
" Even the Bible has never had anything good to say about polygamy, is it Rachel and Leah that were sisters or Hannah and what is her name? It always breeds unhealthy competition for a man's affection", comes Layla's sharp retort punctuated with sounds of agreement from Sade.
"All this well-meaning advice is coming too late because as you can see my husband and I are back together, Zainab is not going anywhere and in about six months I will be having another baby, something that I did not even know was possible".
When the rumours of her pregnancy began to get out of hand Sarayu had thought it prudent to invite her friends and let them in on the state of things but as for the media they could keep guessing for all she cared, after all in Nigerian culture pregnancy is said to announce itself.
Their reaction was expected seeing that just a few months ago she was adamant that she was getting a divorce after his tenure was over but she had hoped for a little more support from them.
Sitting there in the silence that seemed to scream, " you are making the biggest mistake of your life". Everyone seemed too lost in their thoughts to even form a single congratulatory word.
" We are happy for you, a child is always a thing of joy but we are simply worried ", Sade said.
"Let me worry, all I need is your support".
" Congratulations", is all Layla says and with that one word it almost feels like the distance between them was being cemented.
Throughout the whole process, Sarayu has felt distanced from her only friends and it had been so lonely because these women had been closer to her than any family. She wondered if it was any fault for her or if it was because they could not seem to agree on any decisions she made lately. Well, she was a grown woman and no matter what they could not make decisions for her, if they could not support her then maybe she needed new friends.


Timothy was having dinner with the entire family and he could sense that both Sarayu and Zainab seemed to have something on their minds but the last thing he was going to do was open a can of worms by asking either of them what the matter was.
Since the last time, Sarayu and Zainab exchanged words they have been oddly indifferent toward each other on most days and surprisingly chummy with each other on other days.
All that could be heard in the grand room was the sound of cutleries and the boys conversing. If it was any other day Timothy would be seen driving the conversation among the whole family but today he was too busy with his thoughts. He could not just wrap his head around why different sets of people at several levels were bound to frustrate the efforts of his administration. At the executive council meeting earlier in the day that was the common theme among the various ministers. Progress was being made across all sectors at the same rate that it was being frustrated. He had encouraged them to remain relentless in their efforts toward progress and root out the weeds. Another matter of great concern was the improvement of general security happening alongside attempted attacks on the government.  So far the presidential guard brigade seemed to be up to it but something had to be done to root out who was behind these attacks. Personally, Timothy thought that someone was trying to get his attention, he wished they would just come to him directly. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown, that much was true.

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