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12th July, 2020.

"Welcome back on the show, I am Chimanda Samuel and  this is  Nigeria votes 21 were we keep you updated on all matters concerning the up coming elections. In the studio today we have with us  a lawyer, a husband,  a father, a philanthropist, and a politician. He is a former senator who is considered as a man of integrity by the people, ladies and gentlemen help me welcome Mr Timothy Hassan. Welcome to the studio sir", the female reporter said smoothly.
"Thank you Miss Chizoba, it's a pleasure to be here", Mr Hassan replied.
" Rumour has it you will be participating in this year's elections, what do you have to say about those rumours", she said going straight to the point.
" Yes, I plan to participate in the coming elections".
"Sir in what capacity will you be participating? Some say you'll be running for Senate once again while others say you are going for presidency this time around".
"By the grace of God this coming week I will be submitting my Expression of Interest and Candidate Nomination form for the Office of the presidency".
"I am sure that I am as shocked as most Nigerians. Will you be running under the Progressive People's Party?"
"Yes , that has always been my party".
"During the last elections your attempt at Senate failed what makes you think you have a shot at presidency".
" My failure during the last election has nothing to do with this one because I failed does not mean I should be discouraged. I am qualified for the Job and I chose to contest due to the love I have for my country so I have confidence in my chances in the coming elections", Mr Hassan replied confidently.
"Mr Hassan it was nice having you in the studio today unfortunately we are out of time but we would love to have you on the show in the nearest future".
"Thank you, it was nice being on the show".
" You heard it here first, Mr Timothy Hassan has joined the 2021 presidential race. Bye for now but tune in same time tomorrow for the latest on the upcoming elections".
It was a few minutes to midnight and instead of Mr Hassan to be getting some much needed rest he was in his study at the house he shared with Zainab discussing reaction trailing official announcement of his political aspirations with the party chairman and his publicist. He had become bored with the conversation because it seemed to be heading no where. He watched Miss Evelyn argue with Mr Yusuf. Apparently his announcement received positive reactions from most states in the country with exception of the core northern states, states like Kano, Kastina, Bauchi and the likes. Mr. Yusuf  is of the opinion that the reactions being received should not be alarming because of the Influence of the Ahmed family and their friends and associates aswell as his support while Miss Evelyn and her team of polical analyst are of the opinion that it will be very difficult for Mr Hassan to win the primaries if he does not address these negative feedbacks they are receiving.
" You know I said it, this marriage plans could very well backfire. Instead of having the support of the Muslim northerner because you married from amongst them you have them criticising Mrs Zainab for marrying an infidel", Evelyn ranted, making air qoutes with her hands as she said the word infidel.
"Young lady instead of playing smart and outlining problems we can't solve why don't you accept my reassurance that the elites make the political decision and not the poor fanatical northerners", Mr Yusuf replied tersely.
" If you have a solution to these problems please tell us". Mr Hassan replied her.
" Yes I don't have a solution but what I'm saying is that we need to think of a solution and fast. Politics of today is not like before and popular opinions matter. The PPP is mainly constitutes people from the northern states and the middle belt states", Evelyn defended.
"Evelyn find a solution to this problems, it's your Job anyway. Can we end this meeting because this discussion is going nowhere and I have a headache", Mr Hassan said bringing Evelyn's speech to an abrupt end.
They decided to call it a night and meet up later during the week to Mr Hassan's relief.

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