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Mr Hassan's POV

I am tired of everyone telling me what to do Chika my closest friend and also Layla's husband, my colleagues and even my younger brother. I have heard it all "are you sure about what you're doing", "women are difficult oh,can you cope", "hope you don't regret this. My mother was angry I didn't tell her and she heard the news through the grapevine. To crown it all my pastor asked to see me after church, so here I sat in his office waiting for him. I was seriously nervous right now because I hold my pastor in high esteem.
Pastor Matt walked into his office and took his sit at his desk, his imposing presence suddenly making the room feel smaller. It was not just about his size but the aura around him.
" Good day Mr Hassan, thank you for coming to see me. Sorry for keeping you waiting", Pastor Matt says.
He continues talking without letting me answer him " You see Mr Hassan, at the beginning of this year a burden was layed upon my heart to pray for you and your family. So I followed the leading of the spirit and I prayed, during the course of prayer the spirit of God revealed to me that you had a mighty battle ahead of you".
I was shocked by his words and it indeed felt like I had a mighty battle ahead of me.
" Thank you Pastor"
"Please Mr Hassan don't thank me. What I'm about to say is not all that pleasant. You will be getting married to a miss Zainab this week, am I right".
" Yes sir," I said swallowing the lump in my throat.
"The doctrines of this church are not in support of a man marrying two wives, or out of our faith. I know that you may try to rationalize your decision but in Genesis 2:4 it say that a man leaves his father and mother, bonds with his wife not wives and they become one flesh. There are also several instances in the New Testament like 1 Timothy 3:2, 1 Timothy 3:12 and Titus 1:6 where the requirements that a man hold a position in church is clearly stated that he be a husband of one wife. This being said following the teachings of the Bible and the doctrines of this church if you go ahead with your marriage this coming Saturday all titles bestowed on you by this church and their privileges will be stripped. For example you will no longer sit in the front row of the church. Please do not misunderstand my self and the church, you are still welcome to church at all times for this is your father's house, I will still pray for you because you are still part of God's flock whom he has put under my care".
I thanked Pastor Matt, said my goodbyes and wished him a good week. As we drove to Mama's kitchen to meet Zainab for lunch and sat that eat with a tense silence echoing in the air the pastor's word kept running through my head but I was in too deep. I knew lunch was extra tense because Sarayu and Zainab had an argument earlier this week but what could I do. Sarayu acted like nothing happened, giving me the silent treatment which has become normal since the wedding announcement, she only talks to me when she wants to ask for something while Zainab asked me to warn Sarayu. I tried talking about it with Sarayu but the look she gave me had my tongue sticking to the top of my mouth.
This is how I have laid my bed and I guess I have to lie on it because I have reached the point of no return.

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