Growing Pains (+more)

16 1 0

Author: @LilyAnnaLace


It was so beautiful to read. I was fascinated by the way the author made her characters express themselves. It was relatable and also very emotional at times.

The story didnt just focus on Wills romance life but everything that surrounds him, school, family, friends future, and it was just amazing to follow him through this journey and see what the future will hold for him and the people surrounding him.

It's one of my favorite books!

And the awesome thing is the author is planning a third part to this book which I can't wait to read.

You probably won't find this book here anymore since the author published her book on amazon. For more information I'd suggest you go visit her profile here on wattpad.

I'd recommend to go read it if your interested.

Book 2
Stretch marks

This review is based on the amazon version of this story since they are a little bit different from each other.

I was really excited to read this book and to see how Wills journey will continue.

I really liked the pace of this story. It was very interesting and realistic written.

Though I have to admit, some characters seem very different compared to the first book, but I guess as time goes people change.

I think I like the first book more, I can't really tell what it is that makes me think that way. But either way i still recommend it!!

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