The greatest thief bxb (Series)

8 1 4

Author:@ juliecotewriter

Without a king

I really liked this story. I wasn't expecting much at the beginning, but after i read a while I almost couldn't stop reading for more. I finished reading it really quickly. It was in a way really adorable. I liked how it wasn't that obvious that they liked each other. If you didn't know that it was a bxb book probably wouldn't have known. I think for some people this story could be slow paced but i liked how their feelings slowly evolved as they got to know each other more. It felt more realistic. The story in general felt very realistic to read.

Follow the adventure of the greatest thief of ....(i forgot the name of the country) , getting through all kinds of situations and in the end maybe even falling in love.


An aimless war

Well what can i say. I loved this part as well as the first book. They're just so adorable together. There will also be a third book about them. I cant wait to see where the story will take them.

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