Kaleidoscopic (bxb)

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Author: @casualmelodrama

So it's my second book of this author and i can see that this author likes to play tricks with ma poor little heart ;_;

So i loved it and i cried i won't tell you the reason why though, maybe you'll also cry reading this story or you won't. But it's so beautifully written. The nice thing that i thought about this story was that i didn't always like the main characters, usually authors make them more likable so readers will fall in love with the characters, but i didn't always while reading this. And for that it made the characters more real and human if you know what i mean. I also loved that the story happened around 1980 the way the author wrote it made me feel like i watched one of those classic movies where they showed good old classic america. I loved how the story wasn't only about the main characters but also about the characters all around them they also had importance to the story.

I would really like to talk more about this story but i also don't want to spoil anything. So with that i hope i encouraged you to read the story for your own.

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