Bad decisions

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Read: 17.7.21


So when I started reading this story, I wasn't quite sure about the whole switching perspective thing. I like reading from only one person's perspective. Even if the author wrote a lot of "he's" you still knew which person the author was talking about, so it kinda worked out.
I really liked the writing style though. It was really easy to picture the scenery. Also emotionally wise, you just empathized with them.

Also, the characters were soo adorable. There was also a major character improvement (idk if I'm using the right word), which I really like.

The thing that did bother me a little bit, was how both of them were so oblivious.

The author is currently working on a sequel and i can't wait to read more of it.

As a punishment for burning down his families holiday house (or sth like that i don't remember exactly what it was), he is sent to do some social work in the nature.

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