To build a home

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Author: @SkitneyRousten
Update: MiloBodin

First read 25.12.2020

I liked this. The way they wrote the story and how the author could hide hidden messages behind a line i just really liked it. I liked the main characters personalities and alsoo his nephew omg he was the cutest >_<.
I feel like for a lot of authors it's difficult for them to create a child in a story, i read a lot of books where children (as side characters not main) didn't really act like their age or just act a little strange. But not with this story!!! Idk this story felt so real! The characters their surroundings just everything! I really felt like i was in their little world, and i feel like if an author can give the readers a feeling like that they should be proud of themselves! This ones gonna be a favorite!

I'm not sure but i think their gonna make a second book? Well i would definitely read it!!!

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