Serafin's ghost

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Author: @joshuntwrites
Read: 08.11.21

This book was really nice to read. It was very cute and the whole location and history background was well thought of in my opinion. I was impressed, the whole story takes place in a fantasy world, there was no description about it at the beginning how this place works but the story was told in a way that you just understood whats going on in this world of magic and everything.

As I was reading this story i pretty much had no complains. It was very well written and well thought of. But after I finished reading it and had time to think about it there were a few things I noticed....

Small spoiler warning about Darius personality and some small details that are going to happen....
(You can skip to the end of this page if you don't want to get spoilers)

As i said everything was well thought of in this story but something was lacking. When i think back, Darius Character was kinda lacking something in a way he was always just the «all smiles guy». Didn't have much of an opinion since he pretty much always agreed with Seraphin and had no big background history unlike Seraphin where we got a little bit more about Seraphins surrounding and past. But we didn't get that from Darius. They did give us a reason why we didn't get much of his past but it would've made his character a little bit more... alive i would say (no pun intended).

But as I already mentioned this was a thought that occurred to me after I finished reading it. Otherwise it was pretty enjoyable to read.

End of spoiler

Just a guy inviting a ghost to his home no big deal right?

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