Suberian wolf (mxm) (+more)

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Author: @saintc

So I really liked the other story of that author, that i just had to read another book of her/him(?). It was a werewolf story and usually I don't read werewolf books. There mostly about rejections and depression and stuff like that and with the time it just gets boring (if u got any good werewolf story suggestions feel free to share ;)).

I'm not saying that this story doesn't have anything to do with that, bc yea this story is actually about that haha. But the author kind of pulled it off you know (am i saying that right haha?)
Maybe i liked it because it wasn't too dramatic. Like many other books i read. I really liked this one because it focused on their future happiness. And not their sad past i guess.
I really liked it theres also a second book about it that I'll surely read in the future.

Urban wolf

It was a very cute story. But kinda confusing at first because I mistook this book with the 3rd book. I thought in this one there was gonna be a coyote in it and I was always waiting for the moment when it'll appear haha...

But yea it was a nice werewolf book. But i also gotta say that sth was missing like idk a spark or sth. It was in a way a slow paced story and most things were predictable for me. Which is sometimes fine. Maybe it would've made the story more interesting if they hid the part about this book being werewolf themed and started at the beginning with this book with Adyas perspective. But yeah it would be a lot of work to do that now i guess.

But nevertheless I'm really excited for the third book that I'm pretty sure gonna read once it's finished

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