The death of Antonious

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Read: 13.05.2022
Author: @AudreyHornesHeart

Its been a while. It was a little bit difficult to find a story that i liked.
So i found this book in my library and didn't remember what it was about. So as usual I didn't read the summary, so i had no idea what it was about. I did read it though after i finished reading this book. And i gotta say that i'm glad I didn't read it before. It makes the story much more interesting, since I didn't know who would get together with the main character.
There were also authors note but I skipped most of them. They sometimes revealed a little bit whats going to happen next.
But overall I really liked it. It was nice written, but in an older type of way i would say. But that made it very fitting.

A boy from greek despised by the (greek) gods got his whole life turned around after someone got him to Rome.

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