Kill like a gentleman (bxb)

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Author: @MyWickedWays

Its my second story I read from this author and both stories were masterpieces!! It was amazing I'm always thinking how can someone come up with such amazing stories.
I love how it's important for the author that the summary doesn't give away the plot of the story which I really support. You get to know the character and environment in the story and not in the summary like in other books.

And in both storyies you didn't know where the story was heading. In „Kill like a gentleman" it was like you fell into a rabbit hole like Alice in wonderland and woke up in a whole new world. For a moment I wasn't sure if the story was gonna be a fantasy or realistic. It may sound weird but if you wanna know what I mean read the story!!

But I will say though, stories like that aren't meant for everyone I think. Like the authors name you can expect yea (I'm guessing it's a she) she's got a wicked mind. And her stories are likely to be for wicket minded. I'm not here to discourage you from reading it, no by all means give it a go. I think you can say for yourself if you feel comfortable enough to read it.

But yea that book is one of my favorites and I can't wait to read other stories from this author.

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