12. New Fun-Loving Addition

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May 10, 1991

Since Prince's dehydration scare, I have been on him about staying hydrated it's getting to the point where he just hums a tune and exits the room. But other than that things have been pretty smooth for the most part I'll say.

Relaxing outside enjoying the nice rise of the sun on this wonderful Friday morning, while Prince is at the studio at least I think he's there, he was nowhere to be found when I awoke from my slumber.

"Hey, Amber how's it going?"

"It's going pretty good so far, how's music man?"

"He's back and better he says." 

"Figured, your dating a man who will play with a cold." I chuckle agreeing with her "True, that's so true girl some time it scares me though. But not even a cold can stop him when it comes to music."

"Very true, hey did you umm get the information I faxed you?"

"You mean the orders right?"


"Yeah yeah I already completed 100 orders yesterday, I think I have like...50 more left."

"Well look at you being proactive."

"I know right, anyway next time you're in the area it's our time to shine," I say to her as I reach for my cup of coffee.

"Yes, absolutely we haven't had one in a minute. I believe it has something to do with gangster glam."

Zasha smirks while sipping her coffee.
"No and yes." Zasha rests her foot on the ground as she was about to continue her thought she felt something rubbing and licking her ankles. "What the hell?" She looks down spooked and is met with a adorable little fellow.

 "What the hell?" She looks down spooked and is met with a adorable little fellow

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She gasps "Awww look at you!"

"What's wrong?!" Amber asks.

Zasha picks up the furry little fellow and gives him love "Amber! Girl I'll call you back in an hour or so."

"Oh umm ok, talk to u later."

Zasha was so excited that she didn't even turn around to thank the man who brought the little guy. Prince clears his throat "Never thought I would be competing against a puppy." He says wearing a smile. Zasha turns towards the voice "Thank you!" She puts him down and hops up from her lounge chair to give him a hug and a kiss.

"Did you buy this little guy to keep me company or something ?"

He wraps his arms around her waist "Noo, I got him because I listened to you mama." Zasha rests her head on his chest, watching her new puppy explore his new home. "Hmm welcome to the experience Kahzoo."


"No, Kah-zoo."

He nods "Kahzoo!" He shouts towards the puppy. Kahzoo looks up, but only for a second before exploring. "Well have fun training." He says wiggling his eyebrows.

7:30 pm
Prince and Zasha are sitting in the top row of the movie theater while the band is sitting more towards the middle. They were watching "The Silence Of The Lambs," not Zasha cup of tea but she went anyway.

"It's not that scary Zash," Prince says while my eyes were tight. I turn my head the other way and tug his arm "Why couldn't we just watch a comedy, you know how I am when I watch scary movies." I whisper in his ear with a slight frown.
Prince chuckles while chewing on popcorn.
I face back towards the movie but felt a pair of eyes on me. I look towards the pair, they connected with this beautiful Puerto Rican girl she had a soft smile on her face. I returned the gesture, she turned back around. Prince side-eyes Mayte and was no longer in the mood for the movie ."You ready to go?" I nod, we connect our hands and depart.

May 20, 1991
Zasha and Amber are grocery shopping but they refer to it as their women's time. "Do u think he's going vegetarian or something?" Amber asked while Zasha scanned for fruit bowls. "Hmm I don't know, he just said something about he's taking a break from meat." Zasha shrugs while grabbing three fruit bowls.

"Hmm, you seem cool with this." Amber pushes the cart forward.

Zasha chuckles "I mean I'm not bothered by it, even if he turns out to be a strict vegetarian or whatever I'm going to still eat whatever I want... even if I have to sneak it in."

Amber shakes her head joining her laughter "That's a shame, anyway you never called back the other day. So what happened?"

"Oh yeah, I'll give you a hint let's go this way." They arrived on the animal food aisle.

"Hmmm, so he got you a cat?" Zasha shakes her head from side to side, she strolls towards the food for dogs. Amber eyes go wide "No way! Z you been wanting one for ages."

Zasha grins "Mhmn, he's a Golden Retriever, and they were not telling a myth about them being a ball of energy." Zasha picks up the dog food and places it in the cart. Amber places canned food food and toys in the cart.

"Canned food?"

"That's his birthday gift, now let's go trick or treating on the candy aisle."

"Aww well, aren't you a cutie," Amber says kneeled rubbing Kahzoo. He smells her hands and begins to jump up and down which means he wants to play. "Maybe next time Zoo." She gives him one last rub before going to assist her friend with the groceries.

"Where's the snack cabinet?"

"Umm first top cabinet to the left." Zasha responds, bending over pouring Kahzoo food into his bowl.

"Zasha...I really believe you're addicted? You have 8 bags of unopened granola well make that 10 now." Amber shakes her head adding the two more bags to her collection.

"Thou shall not judge."

"I'm not, never mind...nevermind." Amber shakes her head.

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