2. Not Ready

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"What exactly are you afraid of Zash?"

She stood there silently until she felt his touch.
She shakes her head and backs away, "We just can't Prince. I don't have time to be played twice."

"Babe it's going to be much different this time, trust me." He says while pulling her back to him.

"I can't Prince." She sighs and snatches her hands back "I'm going to pack," after she stands her ground she speeds walks out. Prince sighs and grabs his keys to go to the studio.

7:41 pm
Zasha finished packing her last box, she sits on the bed and calls her brother Matthew. "Who this?" He said sounding street.

"Boy pls, this is Zash before u start a conversation I should be there in 2 hours or so. Ok see you then ciao." She hung up and grabbed the keys to her brother's car.

"So you're really leaving me huh?" Prince says leaning on the entrance door.

"Don't start Nelson."

"Someone needs to mama," he says while walking up to her "If u think I'm letting u get away from me this easy Zash your playing yourself."

She shakes her head and chuckles "There goes the man I remember" She eyes him and smacks her teeth "Hmmm some things just don't change now do they?"

After 20 minutes of back and forth, Zasha was loading the car with her luggage. "I meant what I said Zash." He said while watching her.

"Oh I know, but the real question is how long will that take you exactly?" He says nothing ." Exactly what I thought" she carries the last luggage to the car and walks up to him.

" I love your crazy self too but we're not ready just yet." She hugs him warmly and pecks his cheek.

He stands there looking emotionless "Take care Zash." And walks back into his home.

She arrives at her brother's place and parks his car in the garage. When she turns the car off she hears drama in the house. Coming inside the house with her luggage she's welcomed by all her siblings together. But the problem was that the two brothers were arguing.

"Why did u eat my steak Jordan!?" Matthew yelled.

"I told u I was hungry!" Jordan yelled back.

Zasha wasn't having it today "Will both of u lizards just shut up!"

They both eyed her down and gave her that who u screaming at look. "I meant will one of u be a nice brother and get my luggage?" She looks back and forth between them.

"It's my time to hibernate," Jordan said and walked off.

Rehearsal at Paisley Park
The band was goofing around. "I smell fines"
Prince says while looking at his band. They all go silent and wait to be instructed. Prince grabs his guitar and tunes it. "Bambi on 3, 1, 2" He nods his head and the band plays on cue. Everything was going fine until Miko missed a key. He gave a signal and the band stopped. Prince sighed and looked right at Miko. "$500"

"Come on man one key, rehearsal just started."

"So what!?" He shouted and took a few steps closer.
"Can we all just get along today," Tony said.

Prince glared at him and let's just say it was a long rehearsal.

1 Week later
Zasha is at home packing orders for her customers while listening to her sister rant. "You should go call the guy back Z, I'm tired of seeing u cringe every time I mention Prince."

Zasha sighs "Well I might at well entertain u since you won't leave  a girl alone." She pauses packing and leans back in the chair "U have 1 question buddy."

"Can I have his number?"

"Girl bye, besides it's going to take a lot of patience and I doubt they ring you through."

Kayla looks around her studio and notices a picture of Prince embracing Zasha.
"Hmm, so this isn't the first hookup I'm guessing."

Zasha glances at the photo and back at her. "Have a seat sister let's have a talk," Zasha fake smiles and points to the empty seat in front of her.

"Me and him have known one another since high school, we been on and off throughout that time of our lives." Zasha sighs "But that's not the point the point is that the lizard dared to fool me like I WAS THE ONLY ONE!" 

Kayla looks at her crazy. "Tone it down sis I'm not him."

Zasha takes a deep breath "Right, I heard the tape of him and Kim. I asked him was it true he confessed that it was." Zasha wipes her tear and sniffs "That was all I needed to know, so I let him have a few words, and let's just say things got a little heated. But the point is that he played me Kayla he said I was the only girl and that we were going to get married but I found out all of that was a myth."

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