Chapter 8: Bullets

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I awoke, my eyes fluttering open to the sensation of cold metal against my skin. Pushing myself off the frigid floor, I regained my footing. Before me stood Techno I, her presence deliberate as she approached with measured steps. Her hand disappeared into her pocket, retrieving an object that was all too familiar – a game controller.

A quirk of amusement tugged at my lips at the sight of the unassuming device in her grasp. Little did I know, it held a significance beyond its gaming realm.

"This isn't just any controller," her words held weight as she extended it towards me. "It's a formidable weapon, a tool of both repair and combat for Technos like me, designed to combat Malwares across various gaming platforms."

The revelation struck me. My previous assumptions about the controller's mundane nature were shattered, replaced by the chromatic sheen of its body – a testament to its true purpose. Aesthetically pleasing, it harbored more power than met the eye.

Raising my gaze to meet Techno I's, my curiosity gave rise to the first question that found its way to my lips. "Hold on," I interjected, a hint of bewilderment coloring my tone, "who's this 'foe' you're referring to? Is it Cyber A?"

Techno I's response was a slow shake of her head, her lips pursed in contemplation. "No, the foe isn't Cyber A," she corrected, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and determination. "It's her servant, her ally – a direct contrast to me, my arch-nemesis."

A contemplative click of her tongue punctuated her words, her gaze momentarily distant. "Because of her, my combat capabilities have been severely compromised. She poses a formidable challenge, one I've struggled to overcome."

My internal thoughts mirrored my concern. 'If Techno I couldn't defeat this adversary in the past... that implies...'

Realization dawned upon me as the pieces fell into place. "Considering you're adept at fixing bugs, glitches, and errors in games," I mused aloud, "your adversary must be... the one responsible for causing those glitches?"

Techno I nodded in confirmation, her eyes scanning the empty room as if seeking invisible threats. "Exactly. Cyber I is the source of those maddening bugs, glitches, and data corruption that disrupt video games."

A surge of frustration coursed through me, manifesting as a clenched fist. 'Finally, a face to put to the digital torment,' I seethed internally. Memories of intense boss battles undone by unexpected glitches resurfaced, igniting my anger. 'I've almost had that boss defeated, only for the game to glitch out as if mocking my efforts.'

My ire was momentarily halted as Techno I steadied my trembling fist with her firm grip. Her ability to glean my thoughts gave rise to the realization that she could read my mind.

"I know the frustration, Isabel," her voice was understanding, her grip unyielding. "Channel your anger for the battle ahead."

She sensed my simmering frustration, but I hadn't anticipated her next words. "'However, please do not meet the same fate as mine," she pleaded with a solemn sigh.

The word 'fate' echoed in my mind, spurring me to seek clarification. "What do you mean by 'don't end up like me' ?" I inquired, a blend of confusion and concern intertwining in my voice.

A gentle chuckle escaped Techno I as she placed her hands on either side of my head. The physical touch triggered an unexpected connection, a stream of memories flooding into my consciousness. "You asked, so let me grant you a glimpse of my memories," she offered, her voice carrying a weight of experience.

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