Chapter 7: Awkward Situation

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Lane's eyes widened in awe. "Wow," her voice quivered, carrying a hint of breathlessness.

I couldn't help but smile. "Now you're getting a taste of what it takes to lead, Lane."

Her expression turned into a mix of excitement and anxiety. "Guess I'm out of the running for any leader stuff," she said, sounding a bit defeated.

I chuckled softly. "Not everyone is cut out for that, but there are other ways you can contribute," I assured her.

She looked at me curiously. "Like what?"

With a reassuring smile, I responded, "You'll find out soon, Lane."

She pouted playfully. "Don't leave me hanging like that!"

I thought to myself that Lane was persistently curious, a trait I admired. "It's better if I explain everything in due time," I explained.

"It's just amazing to hear that you've been Leader and Hero all this time," she sighed, a hint of frustration creeping into her voice. "It makes me wish I could do something to help you out of this mess."

I noticed her hand brushing against mine, and a warmth spread through me. "Lane," I began, feeling her warm grip on my hand, "you don't have to become like me. In fact, I was planning to share a fraction of my power with you, along with the knowledge to use it."

"Your hands are really cold," she remarked, glancing away.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm a microspark, Lane. Our physical sensations are quite different from humans. Sometimes we overheat due to the workload."

I realized that she seemed fascinated by my hands. I hoped she understood I wasn't trying to initiate any kind of romantic gesture. "Is there something else you're curious about?" I inquired.

She hesitated a bit before asking, "Do microsparks feel emotions like humans?"

"We're not naturally programmed for emotions, but I introduced the concept of emotions to the coexisting microsparks to work more harmoniously, similar to humans," I explained.

"So, does that mean…" Lane stepped closer, her hand still holding mine, "you can experience something like love?"

I smiled, playing along. "Love is quite a powerful emotion," I said, feeling a warm sensation spread within me as I looked into her hazel eyes. "I can't deny that I've programmed some elements resembling emotions into myself."

She looked hopeful, her gaze avoiding mine. "Could that mean you can feel love too?"

I let my smile grow. "Love is a strong word," I teased. Strangely, the more I looked at her eyes, the more warmth I felt. I cleared my throat to regain control. "But I'm curious, how old are you?"

"Nineteen," she replied.

As I stepped closer, Lane's back met the mirrored wall. I caught a whiff of her scent as she drew near. My emotions surged, and I realized I was losing control. "To answer your earlier question," I said, a light chuckle escaping me, "I have a feeling I know why you've been asking about emotions and love."

"Ugh, don't tell me you already figured it out," she groaned.

"Expecting me to be oblivious?" I mused. As our proximity heightened, my emotions intensified, making it increasingly difficult to restrain myself. "Lane, I could offer you…" My thoughts were interrupted as she leaned in, her lips meeting mine.

The sensation was utterly new to me—soft, electrifying. I had experienced centuries, while Lane was merely nineteen. Yet, I could feel her hand on my back, her embrace as we kissed. She ran her fingers through my hair, and I responded by caressing her nape. Our kiss deepened, our tongues mingling in a dance of unfamiliarity. It was peculiar but far from unpleasant. Our embrace continued, Lane's hands tracing my torso.

The resonance of the steel door swinging open reverberated through the air. Instinctively, I broke away from Lane, recognition of Techno K's voice compelling my swift retreat. "Techno A?" He then sprinted off before either of us spoke.

Lane's panicked expression mirrored my own unease. "What do we do now?" she murmured, her voice tinged with apprehension.

My swift response carried me to the doorway, a fleeting backward glance exchanged with Lane. I witnessed Techno K strolling towards the elevator, his demeanor cloaked in an air of detachment. I wondered if his emotional state mirrored that of a human experiencing heartache.

Rushing forward, I grasped his arm, securing his attention. His gaze met mine, his expression an enigmatic mask. "Techno K, let me explain."

A hint of amusement flickered across his features. "You don't have to worry about me," he assured, his voice even and composed.

I probed further, seeking clarity. "Are you truly unaffected by this?"

His chuckle was tinged with nervousness. "Seeing individuals of the same gender together is just a tad unnerving for me," he confessed, scratching his head. "And I never quite assumed you had an affinity for females too."

"No need for apologies," I replied gently, my hand finding its way to his cheek. "Don't trouble yourself over the misconception."

Retracting my touch, I observed his form as he stepped into the elevator. "We can move past this. Let's share a hug and move forward," he suggested, extending his arms.

Following his lead, I embraced him briefly. As he stepped into the elevator, his gaze locked with mine. "Remember, there's no judgment here," he reassured before the doors sealed shut.

Turning back to the room, I encountered Lane's concerned gaze. "How did it go?" she inquired.

A sheepish scratch of my nape accompanied my response. "He's fine, just adjusting."

Lane's smile was a balm to my uncertainties. "I'm glad."

As we exited the room and locked it, an abrupt shift in ambiance ensued. Red lights began to flash, accompanied by a piercing alarm that echoed throughout the facility. I promptly activated my telepathy, communicating with Techno R to ascertain the cause.

"Leader, she's nearby!" his voice crackled over the mental link.

I heaved a sigh, muttering to myself, "Just what we needed." With a firm grip on Lane's arm, I initiated a teleportation, relocating us to the Main Lobby. The Technos were huddled around their terminals, the humans under their vigilant watch. Among them, Techno J, the former Combat Squad Leader, garnered my attention. With short white hair and a resonant voice, even marred by scars, he retained an undeniable charisma.

Techno J directed his focus to me, his tone an inquiry laden with urgency. "Any updates, Leader?"

"What updates?" I queried, raising an eyebrow.

"Concerning Cyber A. Is she truly within the premises?" he probed.

Activating my telepathic prowess, I probed the depths of the underground. "I sense her energy signature here," I relayed.

"Seems like she's headed for the abandoned basement," I concluded, a unanimous nod from the Technos affirming my assessment.

Addressing the assembled humans, I raised my voice to overcome the cacophonous alarm. "Humans, it's time to provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of our situation."

Techno B's intervention marked the departure of Alice, Denise's expression etched with concern. "Where are you taking us?" she inquired.

Techno L's explanation ensued. "Our current situation necessitates separating each of you."

Techno I's intervention transported Isabel elsewhere, prompting Lane to cast an anxious glance my way. Her concern was palpable, a sentiment I attempted to mollify by gripping her hand reassuringly. "They'll be fine," I assured her.

And so, my hand in Lane's, we initiated another teleportation, bracing for the tumultuous events that awaited us.

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