Chapter 4: "Long time no see..."

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I roused, my eyes lifting to a world of dimness. The cold floor greeted me, my body slouched against the control panel. Beside me knelt Techno K, his features etched with concern.

"You fainted," he informed me, concern shading his tone. "And the lab's a complete wreck."

A cursory glance unveiled the disarray—scattered equipment, fragments of destruction. "Is the ICL back online?" I inquired, relief kindling at a distant glimmer.

"Indeed," he confirmed, "though you were out for two hours."

A groan escaped, my hand ascending to massage my throbbing temples. "Where's our next destination?"

"The Main Control Lobby," he replied. "You up for it?"

Drawing a steadying breath, I steadied myself. "I need to finish the memo solo. Go ahead without me."

He hesitated, his eyes betraying doubt. "You're looking pretty ragged. Are you sure?"

"I'll manage," I asserted crisply. "I'm familiar with the aftermath of reckless power use."

Techno K's magenta gaze surrendered a mix of defeat and sympathy. A nod, and he entered the elevator, doors closing without a backward glance.

Annoyance tinged my thoughts. "Techno K, always racing ahead," I mused as I lifted myself. Relief coursed as normalcy reclaimed my body. Eyes locked on the screen, confirming the system's stability.

Now, it was time to confront the entity that had sought to corrupt ICL's core. I stretched out a hand toward the microphone.

"Computer, initiate call return."

"Returning call. Please wait," the automated voice echoed, labeling the caller 'Unknown.'

A thought echoed within, "Who might this be?"


Eternities seemed to pass before the screen flickered to life, the dim-lit room revealing a low-res webcam feed. A figure cloaked in a dark, tattered blue hoodie and black pants occupied the frame. Bare feet dangled, crossed, and a cascade of shadow masked most of the face—except for a lone neon eye and faintly etched lines resembling veins.

Silence swelled, words suspended, neither daring to pierce the quiet. The caller's thumbs fiddled impatiently.

As scrutiny deepened, recognition dawned—the figure bore a feminine aura. Despite the exaggerated stance, hints of femininity, from the slight swell of the chest to the cascade of chestnut hair, were unmistakable.

"Perfect timing, Techno A," a familiar feminine voice resonated through Lab's speakers. It was Cyber A, the phantom that had vanished years ago.

"I know it's you, Cyber A," I retorted, my tone flat, bypassing niceties.

A soft chuckle emanated, thumbs ceasing their restless dance. "Long time no see, Techno A. Leading Tech-Verse seems to have hardened you."

Impatience prickled. "What's your aim now, Cyber A?" I pressed.

"Just a friendly chat, Techno," she responded, a smug smile underscoring her words.

"Enough cryptic games, Cyber A. Are you here to repeat your antics or obliterate Tech-Verse outright?" Frustration tinged my tone.

Genuine laughter rippled through the speakers, a grating sensation. "Playing with my favorite pawn is much more thrilling than mere annihilation. Your minions, too, remain clueless and lost."

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