Chapter 13: Crashed

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Damn it,

The plan, once solid, now lies shattered before me...

Stuck and immobile, the Volvo rammed through the unyielding concrete barrier...

Cyber I's bullets found their mark, leaving the front tires in tatters...

My body, a canvas of agony, each piece shattered like glass...

Gunfire erupts from behind, bullets penetrating my back with merciless precision...

A scream escapes my lips, but the sound is twisted, distorted by pain...

Isolation grips me, no solace to be found in this dire predicament...

Survival is imperative, a desperate plea as I gasp for air...

Lane, for the love of all that's sacred, trigger that chip, damn it...

Defeat cannot be our fate, not like this...

Yet I teeter on the edge of oblivion...

Death's cold embrace tightens its grip...

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