Chapter 12: The Battle

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"Lane, I want you to have this."

Techno A's words pulled my attention, and I watched as she placed a familiar SD card into my open hand. The tiny card rested on my palm, its presence sparking recognition.

"Wait, isn't this the same microchip—"

"No, it's different." She gently pressed my hand shut, her touch warm against my skin. "It's a duplicate microchip, but I've modified it to be more compatible with a human physiology."

I studied the chip, noticing its features diverged from the overpowering original microchip Techno A employed.

"The energy within you is crucial for the microchip's functionality," she explained with a sigh. "It's a critical component for a successful confrontation with Cyber A."

My gaze met Techno A's, questions simmering beneath my surface. "How do I activate it?"

"It's quite straightforward," she answered, her grip on my hand tightening slightly. "Simply embed the microchip into your skin and your full power will be unleashed."

"So, as long as the chip pierces my skin, it activates?"

Techno A's nod confirmed my understanding. "Correct. Once the chip is embedded under your skin, it will activate."



I can't believe this is happening...

Is this really the beginning of the fight?

Alright, Lane, stay positive. Remember, heroes always prevail, even in the face of the toughest battles. We're going to fight until the end and emerge victorious.

I shook my head gently, snapping back to the present moment.

"That's Cyber A," Techno A whispered beside me, her gaze fixed on our opponent. "Wait for my signal, and I'll provide cover."

I nodded, my throat feeling dry and my heart pounding in my chest. The tension in the air was palpable, and my mind raced to process the impending confrontation.

Cyber A's grin widened, her laughter echoing in the room. "I can't believe Techno A brought a sidekick," she taunted. "You know, I've never faced two opponents at once. This is going to be twice the fun!"

My attention shifted to Cyber A as she brandished a long, rod-shaped object with a neon blue body and a sharp silver edge—a wicked-looking axe.

With a practiced motion, she spun the axe before driving its blade into the metal floor. The resounding thud reverberated through the air. Techno A assumed a combat stance beside me, her eyes focused on our adversary.

"Get ready to defend yourself as best you can, Lane," she whispered without taking her eyes off Cyber A.

I was certain Cyber A hadn't heard Techno A's warning.

"What are you waiting for?" Cyber A taunted, raising her hand in a mocking gesture.

A sudden realization hit me—a taunt, a challenge.

My gaze flicked to Techno A, and I caught the quick nod she gave me. It was the signal we had discussed earlier.

I concentrated, summoning energy within me to remain steady. My right fist clenched tightly around the microchip Techno A had given me. It was time to activate it.

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