Chapter 17: "Non ducor, duco."

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-Techno A-

During this moment, I am a mere observer as Lane directs her tumultuous emotions towards Cyber A. Blow after blow, the forceful release of anger unfolds in a flurry of violent actions—slams, strikes, and unrelenting force. It's as if Lane is using violence as an outlet to channel her human frustrations.

'Lane...' I muse within, 'Your actions border on recklessness.'

Amidst this scene, Lane's voice echoes within my mind, her thoughts reaching out. 'I apologize, Techno A. My certainty about the well-being of our friends was questionable after I successfully activated the microchip.'

Following this, I witness Lane's abrupt movement as she withdraws her right hand. In a swift motion, Cyber A is sent crashing to the farthest edge of the room.

'Is this a means to an end, Lane?' I question silently, 'Are your actions driven by a greater purpose?'

Lane turns her attention my way, her right palm facing me as she presents the microchip embedded in her flesh. A subtle azure aura emanates from her palm, and in an instant, I feel my energy and power being restored. My wounds mend, and my world momentarily blurs.

In a matter of seconds, my vision sharpens, revealing the Control Lobby around me. The other Technos appear to have noticed my unexpected arrival, their focus previously locked on the spectacle playing out on the expansive screen.

Suddenly, the screen's image changes, and I'm confronted with the sight of three brilliant beams beside Lane, followed by their explosive eruption.

As the smoke clears, the figures of Isabel, Alice, and Denise materialize before me, each in their formidable Power Modes.

Lane registers her astonishment at their presence, her expression marked by wide-eyed surprise. I listen in on her inner thoughts, sensing her disbelief. 'Guys? You're all... alive?'

Following this, my attention shifts to the humans who seem to be deeply engrossed in conversation, presumably recounting their battles against the Malwares.

The humans have triumphed,

Which implies...

With renewed vigor, I dash to the Control Panel, prompting the three Technos to turn their gaze toward me.

"This is it, Techno A," Techno I declares, her voice brimming with a mix of triumph and excitement. "They've made it."

Lane, the Hero of Technology.
Isabel, the Knight of Technology.
Alice, the Seer of Technology.
Denise, the Engineer of Technology.

Lane's appearance mirrors my own Power Mode, devoid of wings and sporting long sleeves matching her olive jacket. Her abilities primarily encompass superhuman strength, speed, and a potent mastery over telekinesis.

Isabel dons a knight's helmet and torso armor of deep blue hue. In contrast to Techno I, her armor lacks full coverage, with only the torso and helmet present. Her power appears akin to mine, yet she possesses the unique ability to manifest objects at will.

Alice's attire, reminiscent of Techno B's, is marked by a luminescent aura. Her pure white eyes hint at her unique capabilities: enhanced vision and the manipulation of objects through sheer mental prowess.

Denise wears a tattered white long sleeve paired with black shorts, her feet unshod. The cables that adorn her back lend her a distinct Power Mode, one tailor-made to counter physical adversaries.

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