Puerto Rico's Gargoyle

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I flew over the beautiful island of Puerto Rico as I searched for my next prey, a Taino, a Puerto Rican native. It's been about ten years since I've been to the island and a lot has changed from what I remembered. My master told me a hurricane hit the island and left it severely destroyed.

I'm being called a gargola this time around but I've been known by different names. Last time I was here I was called the chupacabra. Before that it was a vampire. I have more in common with a gargoyle than the rest but that's not exactly what I am either. Master says I'm a work of art.

Every ten years my master brings me back to life so I can collect her the ingredients she needs for her spell. The spell kept her young and it worked considering she's almost a hundred years old but looks to be in her twenties.

I had a person in mind for my Taino blood but I'm not happy about it at all. There is a man living alone on a farm up in the mountain. He became isolated due to the hurricane and it was sad seeing him fix his house all alone.

It was the middle of the night as I stalked him from a tree across his house. It was going to be hard to get him to come outside but I had an idea. There was a dog crossing in front of the house and I decided to fly over him. The dog noticed me and began barking. He barked until the poor man came outside to figure out what was going on.

The man flashed his light at the dog and realized it was barking towards the sky. Before he could look up, I was down and in front of him. He was staring right into my eyes before he could react. He didn't scream or anything as my eyes put him in a calm daze. I moved in for a bite when it was me who received one from behind.

I turned around and growled at the dog who quickly backed up and whined. The man screamed "El diablo," as he ran back inside his house and locked the door. Never been called that before. I slashed at the door but couldn't knock it down. I turned around to go after the dog but he had already run off.

This was a lost cause so I flew away. I could have easily hunted down the dog but I don't kill anything I don't have to. Most dogs are more bark than bite, but tonight I wasn't so lucky. My mistake. Master is going to be disappointed.

On my way home, I heard the screams of a woman. I flew in the direction where the scream came from and found a man chasing a woman down an open field. I scanned the area for any other humans when I spotted a vehicle by the street and two young men laughing at the girl. I kept my distance, not to be seen. The man chasing the girl caught her and forced her to the ground. She tried to scream when he put his hand over her mouth.

I decided I couldn't wait any longer when I flew down and snatched the man. I didn't bother to wait for the man to scream when I brought down my fangs on his neck. When I was done sucking his blood I dropped the motionless body out of the sky. He fell with a thud as the girl and two men looked towards the noise.

I watched as the men went to check out what happened when the girl sneaked to their car and drove away. They tried to chase her but to no avail.

I decided to have some fun, so I flew down and snatched the man who was running ahead. I took him high into the sky while his friend fell to the ground out of fear.

I bit down on the man's neck and ripped a chunk out. He didn't even have a chance to scream either. I made sure to drop the body in front of his friend.

I was going to finish off the other guy when I noticed the sun was beginning to rise. It was time for me to get home. I flew at great speed and reached home within a half hour. It was a large house by the sea which miraculously survived the hurricane. The window was open as I entered the main bedroom. Inside was my master painting, a self portrait.

"Mi bebe," she said as she gave me a kiss on the head. "Were you able to get me my blood?" I shook my head yes as I turned to stone. "That's my boy."

Master brought a tube up to my fang and pulled the fang out, the blood streaming down into a bucket. When she was done draining all the blood, she took the blood over to her painting. She dipped the brush into the bucket and brought it up to her painting. She continued with her self portrait, I could see her turning younger.

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