Chapter 2

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Earth 99

Lu, Junior, Wono, Delvis, Alex, Torta, Tirado and Joe sat in a circle inside a dojo. They meditated when they heard weird noises outside. The group chose to ignore it as the noise got louder. It was Tirado who broke the silence.

"Seriously," said Tirado. "No one wants to know what's going on outside?"

"Clearly master is messing with our concentration and you fell for it," said Torta.

Lu stood up and opened the doors, revealing the night sky. "I don't see anything."

"Neither do I," said Junior, who went to stand next to his brother.

"But what made that noise?" asked Tirado as he went to stand next to the brothers.

A man landed on the dirt. It was their master, Papo. The brothers looked to the sky and saw multiple figures flying over their dojo.

Torta and Joe went to help Papo, but they were snatched by the flying figures. Lu and Junior quickly closed the doors.

"What the hell was that?" asked Tirado.

"Monsters," answered Delvis.

"What are we going to do?" asked Alex.

Lu went over to the wall and grabbed two swords. "We fight."

The others followed Lu's lead and grabbed their own weapons. They were all armed with various medieval weapons when the gargoyles broke inside. They fought them off the best they could, but there's just so much one could do to a stone creature with a bladed weapon. The only thing that saved them was the morning sun.

The only people who survived were Lu, Junior and Delvis who managed to kill one of the gargoyles.

Earth 2994

"Only three of you survived on your Earth?" asked this Earth's Lu.

"Four actually," he answered as he looked at Celi. "My mother wasn't there that night. She was safe at home and we reunited later."

"What happened next?" asked Celi.

"We were on the run for a while," said Ninja Lu. "It was a losing battle. Eventually my family fell and the only ones still standing were me and Delvis."

"If it was a losing battle, how did you survive?"

"They came alone," he said, gesturing to Delvis and Papo. "They helped kill the rest of the gargoyles on my Earth and recruited me."

"That sounds ridiculous," said Junior. He turned to Papo. "What the hell is your story? Did you get attacked by preppy gargoyles?"

Papo straightened his shirt. "Funny. It wasn't preppy gargoyles I had to face. It was a science experiment gargoyle my Earth had to fight."

Earth 166

Papo and Celi were working in a lab one late night. Celi looked through a microscope as Papo stood over her shoulder.

"What do you think?" asked Papo.

"I think this shouldn't be possible," answered Celi. "It means the specimen is alive."

"I know," said Papo. "We have ourselves a real life gargoyle."

"But gargoyles are supposed to move, walk, fly. The thing we have in the lab doesn't do anything."

"That I know. Maybe it needs a specific setting."

"Like what?"

"That I do not know." Papo leaned back on the table. "Supposedly gargoyles only move at night."

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