• Part 11 - My favourite month •

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It was now October here at Hogwarts my favourite time of year...the leaves fall and crunch under your feet, the sky is always a bright orange or pink or peach and it's Halloween where you can dress up and look as weird as you want.

And Halloween was a way to actually meet people back when I lived with Delilah...

Also my detention finished.

Although everyone thinks I'm some kind of monster, they all hate me...

Let's just say, I'm glad September is over.


"Get up Lyd! It's a new month, new me!"

"Ugh, isn't it new year, new me?"

"Yeah but I'm not like everyone else so..."

"That's true"


V jumped on top of me and started tickling me to death.


"Ewww I don't want your piss all over me!"

"Then get off!"

Once I'd been the bathroom we got dressed as usual and went down for breakfast.

When I walked into the great hall nothing had changed, I still got dirty looks and whispers.

Only my friends understood me...even the teachers are wary of me...and...Snape doesn't smile at me anymore.

The one teacher that I enjoyed spending time with now won't talk to me at all, Not even in class...he always lets that granger girl answer all the questions.

Griffindor is SO favouritised, they get away with everything.

Harry even got on the quidditch team! That's not even allowed.

Mcgonagall is a pain always telling me to do things, she likes Harry way more than me...same with dumbledore and hagrid and basically every teacher here!

Snape even gives Harry more attention than me.

The only people I care about now are my friends.

Especially Draco, he's helped so much with my occlumency...I don't even hear my father any more.

And Pansy sadly lived to see another day.

Me and V sat down in front of Blaise, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle.

"Hey guys! Are you exited for Halloween!"

"Em Lyd you do realise Halloween is at the end of the month?"

"Yeah! But I celebrate it all through the month!"

"How does that work?"

"I just eat my own body weight of sweets every day! And carve pumpkins and...wear cool makeup! Ooo! And dance in the rain!!! That's my favourite thing to do in the whole wide world!"

They looked at me as if I was mad.

"C'mon guys!!! It's so fun!!! And freeing"

"Gurl, why would anyone want to do that? You'll just get all wet!"

"Uhh...the thrill?"

"Well you can do that by yourself"

"No! You have to dance with me!"

"I'll dance with you Lyd"

D-Draco Malfoy wants to dance in the rain with me?!


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