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Recently I've been trying to work on myself. I've started my own makeup line called Wintrr. Surprisingly, it has taken off all by my own which has caused me to be very busy. But today is just going to be a chill day for me.
LJ has been at Lucas's for a week so I can get my work done. Speaking of Lucas, we've been getting a long better... if you know what I mean. He's still not living here thought.
It's about 10 am and i'm just lying in bed waiting on Lucas to bring LJ back. I've been so tired lately from working I needed a break with LJ.
Babydaddy🙄: I'm outside
I head down the stairs and open the front door to see him carrying LJ in his arms.
"Aww he sleeping." I say grabbing him from Lucas. I start walking towards my stair case and Lucas follows me in the house so I already know what that means.
"Lucas i'm tired today" I whisper looking at him as we walk out of LJ's room.
"No you not." He says smirking and slapping my ass hard. "Owee!" I say pouting. I walk into my bedroom and sit on my head and with no surprise he follows me as well.
"When you gon let me back Porsha..." He says leaning on my bed. He tried to have these talks that I avoid with every time he drops LJ off.
"Lucas i dont kn-" He cuts me off.
"Listen baby, I know I fucked up. I know I did you wrong. I know what I did but I want to make things better. I tell you i'm sorry every time I see you. I know sorry don't mean shit to you but I promise P all I want is you. I cannot keep doin this acting like i'm not still in love with you. I want a family with you P nobody else." He says while wiping the tears off my face. I didn't know what to say. "I'm not leaving until you say something. I hate only being able to see my son a couple days out the week. I wanna be able to be there through everything with him." He states and I just nod. "Please?" He says while poking out his bottom lip. He looks just like LJ when he does that.
"Okay." But we have some talking to do.
"I get it. I'll go get my clothes and shit and will be back." He says while grabbing his keys and leaving the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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