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1 Month Later
I'm 8 months pregnant and I just want this baby out of me already. I'm huge, i look fat in everything and lately, i've been having the worse mood swings ever.
Today we were going out to lunch with Lucas's mom and i wasn't looking forward to it. I just wanted to lay in bed all day and do nothing.
I wore an all black jumpsuit that i obviously looked huge in with black and white vans. We headed out to lunch to meet with lucas's mom.
"Hey Porsha!" Lucas's mom says while she kisses me on the cheek with a friendly hug. Me and Lucas sit down and wait for our order to be taken.
"Ughh can the waiter hurry up i'm hungry." I say getting anxious.
"So, are you guys sure you're ready to have a baby? It's a big deal and it takes up a lot of time and energy and responsibility. It's not like a toy that you can just stop playing wi-." Lucas mom says before i cut her off. "Um yes i think we're ready and prepared. I mean i'm scared but i'm ready." I say kind of with an attitude because i find that it's rude that she doesn't think we're responsible enough.
The waiter finally reaches our table and asks us what we want. "I'll talk a water" Lucas and his mom say.
"Okay, Ma'am what would you like?" She asks
"SHIT!" I scream out making everyone in the restaurant look at me.
Yayayayay the baby's coming !!!

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