Chapter 15: Girls Day

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Your POV

"Oh um..Heh, Yeah I guess I am awake. You're Emporio right? Do you know where everyone else is?" I asked, feeling a little embarassed seeing as he was just staring at me, I looked away and rubbed thr back of my neck

"O-Oh Wow..She remembered my name.." He whispered to himself

"Excuse me?" I asked hearing only a few words of his sentance.

"U-Uh! Nothing! Everyone is downstairs! Just head down the hallwayand down the stairs!" Emporio said quickly before dashing off down the hall in what I felt like was a panic..

"What a Strange Boy.." I whispered softly to myself after he ran away. Smiling softly and giggling I put my hands to my mouth to cover my giggle and gave a gentle closed eye smile as I did, I quickly turned and went to go find the others, but soon enough someone found me.

"You're awake." Said a voice of the Monotone Male everyone called Weather..I wonder why he was called that..Anyway I smiled up at him

"I am, Have I been sleeping for long?" I asked Weather

"No, Now come. Breakfast is downstairs" he said extending his hand to me. Smiling happily up at him I gladly took his hand and he seemed to smile slightly before he looked away and we began walking down the hallway to the stairs and then down to the kitchen where everyone but Emporio was.

Ermes smiled and gave me a little wave and a Wink "Morning Cupcake, you had us worried there. We thought we were going to have to kick some Italian ass."

I giggled softly and The others around the room smiled at the sound of my laughter, they all looked as if they had never really heard a kid laugh before, they all seemed relieved..maybe something had happened to me.

"Well Little Princess, The Girls said they were going to take you out today and have a girls day with you, and Weather, Emporio, Mr. Jotaro, and myself would take you out tomorrow. I suggest you eat a full meal, those girls can get crazy" Anasui said as he set a plate on the counter with Food.

Weather picked me up and set me on the counter and they all just kind of stared at me as I began to eat.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked as I looked around at all of them.

The guys looked away and the girls smiled

"Humans are weird. Why aren't we gonna te-" F.F began to say before she got a hand over the mouth by Jolyne. She was nervous about something..I could tell

"Come on. Lets just get going" Jolyne said as she Grabbed Ermes and F.F and thry headed outside.

I put thr food down and jumped down as best I could and ran after them. We all thrn got in the Car and we started driving off towards town, Looking out the window as thr car drove fast down the Road was all to comforting..

How long was I actually Asleep..?

Why did I feel so itchy all of a sudden?

"Ms. JoJo? I don't feel so good..I feel hot and Itchy" I said as I felt like passing out in the backseat..and I guess it really did happen because I don't remember her responding..

I remember falling, I was in a white Dress, I had a Deep blue sapphire crystal necklace around my neck, and around a cold Darkness overtook every feeling I had..

My eyes were Open and I felt so Light, but at the same time so cold..what was happening to me..

"So..It appears our little Robin has found her way home" A deep male echo like voice said

"Hello? I-Is anyone there?" I asked into the darkness

"Do not Fret Little Bird, Your Mind and Spirit are Safe here.." The voice said "I am here to Guide you..Much like Charon guides souls to thr gates of thr underworld" He said

"I-I'm dead?!" I exclaimed, I was Scared and It seems even just yeling into this Darkness drained all my energy.

"No child. Not yet. But your encouter with the Snake who tempted you with your Home life and family got to you. You have been imprinted. And for that you are Fragile" The Voice said "That Is why I am here"

"Y-You're here because I'm fragile?" I asked

"Yes. More will be Explained soon. Sleep well tonight Little Bird, I shall visit again" The voice said and suddenly it dissapeared and My eyes shot open and I sat up

I was out of breath and Crying, my eyes were blurry and I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest..But As I looked around I realized I wasn't in the car anymore, I was in a church laying on a bed with a man next to me..

"So my Sage Did the Trick..Nice to see you awake my child" The Older white haired priest said

"Where am I? Where is Jolyne? Who are you?" I asked rather quickly

"You're in a Safe place, My Church. Jolyne went to go find a Doctor, and My name is Father Pucci" The man said

"Father Pucci.." I whispered "W-What's wrong with me?" I asked almost in tears as I gripped the white sheet that covered me

Pucci pulled me into a Gentle hug and pet my head "Shh Shh Shh, No need to Cry. Just a Simple Hexing that Brought forth by a Wolf in Sheeps clothing without your knowledge" He said

I held onto him and Cried softly "I-I wanna go home..I'm scared..Father I'm scared.." I whispered

"We're going to send you home Dear, Don't worry..We just need some time" Pucci said as he gently stroked my head

Suddenly there was a Knock on the door, before the door handle turned and light from the hallway flooded into a room and the shadow of a tall person lit up the floor

"How is she Doing Pucci? Recovering Well I hope?"


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