Chapter 10: The Flower Boy

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Your POV:

After a night in Abbacchio's room cuddling, I woke up to see him Still there, reading a book silently. Slowly opening my eyes I look up at him and smile Softly

Abbacchio looks down at me an whispers "The thunder is over..I think you should head back to your room. It's still early so everyone should be asleep..and Remember, this is our Secret" He stated

I nodded and sat up, Hugging him real quick with a smile. "Thank you.." I managed to whisper before jumping out of Bed and silently going back to my room and climbing into bed.

As I Climb into bed I'm met with the coldness of My sheets and Realize that I can't fall back asleep. It's to cold, So I just lay there and look out the window, I guess I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I'm being woken up with the Sun in my face. Checking the Clock its about 9:00 in the morning.

Rolling out of bed I get up and Rub my eye, I walked over to my dresser. I dressed myself into some Comfy pants and a fluffy Sweater before heading to my door and heading downstairs. Downstairs was quiet and dark so everyone must still be asleep but the door to the Backyard was Open, Stepping outside I take Notice to the Large Rose Garden in the backyard with many fruit Trees providing shade to a stone path that twisted and winded through the backyard like it led to a magical kingdom. Following the Path I stumbled upon Uncle Giorno sitting at the Base of a fountain with a butterfly resting gently on his finger as he hummed. He was like a Disney Princess!!!

Carefully walking towards Giorno I Sit next to him quietly

"Whatcha Doin?" I asked

Giorno visibly jumped in surprise and the butterfly flew off "Bambina! Don't scare me like that"

"Sorry..I didn't mean to scare you.." I replied as I looked down at my feet and put my hands in my lap

"It's Okay, don't worry about it. Did you need something or did you just come out to see me?" He asked as the Butterflies started to come back

"I just saw the back door was open so I wanted to see who was out here. But then I saw you with the butterflies and you reminded me of a Princess" I explained to him

"Well, I was about to Start tending to the garden. Do you want to help me?" He asked  with a small smile as he looked at me in the eyes.

Nodding excitedly I jumped down from the seat and bounced in anticipation. I couldn't wait.  Giorno chuckled and then got up and took my hand, leading me to another part of the Garden filled with veggies and other Plants. The plants were thriving in the Sun and The garden was magnificent.

Giorno let go of my hand and walked towards a small shed and brought out a couple baskets and gloves. Handing me a pair of gloves and a small basket

"Go over to the Strawberries and pick the biggest ones you can find alright?" Giorno said with a large smile

Smiling happily I nodded and ran over to the strawberries and began to pick the biggest and reddest berries I could find eating a few here and there making the color of my lips turn a slightly deeper shade of red.

I spent the next 3 hours with Giorno, gathering Vegetables and we even saw a bunny!

"Giorno! Giorno! Look it's a Bunny!" I squealed happily as I chased after it happily

"Bambina! Be careful!" Giorno called out after me.

I ran after the bunny that Hopped away and soon I ended up tripping and falling through a Bush. Sitting on my but with my legs separated slightly and my Hands in between my legs holding down my skirt as my fingers touched the Grass the bunny is right in my Reach!

But soon it starts to get Dark and there's a Shadow looming over me. Looking up I see 3 people. One with Blue hair who looked angry, one with Purple Hair who looked like he was scheming something, and finally a Blonde in a Purple Suit who only smiled.

"Hey there Bambina. Let's take a Quick drive Shall we?"


A/N: Hey there pretty people! How is everyone! Things are starting to heat up in the story as you come face to face with 3 Males. In the Next Chapter, We'll see what following a Seemingly innocent bunny rabbit has got you into. Trouble? Fun? Danger? All 3? Who knows!

Find out next time in

'Chapter 11: The New Familia'

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